Thursday, January 23, 2014

Run 1646 Russel Dam Creswick Hare; Mountie

Mountie and Pus Bucket searched the local area for a new and exciting place to host a Hash run;

and yes they found it;

this was indeed a nice setting, lake, reeds blowing in the breeze, surrounded by native bush and trees. 

But the question was had we  ran from this location before?

Some say yes and some say nah

Some could also see the old Hash trail!

Mountie assured us this was indeed a virgin location...

Mountie was also a little assertive with regard to the length and quality of the run and the innocence of youth ensured Precious received a good tongue lashing from the Mountress when he made a complaint about the run.

The FOP O Metre was no available, so one of Dumb's big spanners had to be improvised for the central feature of the FOP O Metre. Mountie was therefore well and truly screwed.

Down downs involved....

No welcome backs or new runners

mmh memory fading cannot remember anything significant...

Tommy Half a Bar was there but did he tell any jokes?

Heavy and Shafted, GILF and Fluid Movement and Normal all had a good feed on the salad roles and fruit.

Next week is the long weekend for Australia day and Tommy Half a Bar is the Hare. The run will be from his house in Morrison's via Elaine...

God bless Nummy.

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