Wednesday, July 28, 2021


RUN #2045, 26 JULY 2021
Due to Victoria’s covid lockdown #5, we have reverted to our covid safe settings with a weekend trail and Monday night zoom hash circle (thanks to Spencer Hocking). 25 Ballarat Hashers walked/ran their own trail within their current 5km exercise limit and posted it to Facebook.
22 Hashers gathered for the zoom hash circle Monday night. Mountie refused to shag everyone and had nothing to say. It was said that Gladys had f#@ked the country so Mountie should try to screw all the hashers but there was no further comment and no song.
There was mention that the Balls Up had been postponed and D&C was then nominated as acting Sergeant. Charges from before the run went to Dim Wit, who was charged for watching the ladies beach volleyball as we could see his computer screen jiggling around. Pauline was also charged as Mrs D trail went through “Bobs Hole” during her self-set trail and D&C was charged for being kept in the attic during her childhood. It was noted that several trails took in Ballarat’s Olympic Rings and Mrs D and Campaspe put in requests for a hat like Nummy’s.
Num Num is to be congratulated as she and 2 other RN’s have given 750 Covid vaccinations!!! Nutcracker was charged as during the 4x 100 Olympic commentary it was said that it was a “nutcracker of a swim”. Chris Cross then charged Mrs D for having matching furniture, they both have the same set of drawers with a TV on top.
Penny Farthing was charged for reaching 700 runs. While she began hashing back in 1992/1993, she missed a few intervening years before returning. There was then mention of SS’s 80th Birthday next Tuesday and Squizzy’s 50th birthday today. This was followed by some discussion about Steam Shoes who has completed 1000 runs with 3 different hash groups!
Dim wit then provided a joke “What do you call a line of men outside a hairdresser? – A Barber-que”🤣. Mountie received the final charge for boasting about doing her run with a PB, is that a personal best or Pus Bucket?
Next Week’s Run – Monday 2 August 2021, Hare: D&C – Location: TBA (depending upon Covid restrictions)
Just before we timed out Bent Nose began to congratulate Spencer Hocking but the zoom cut out, so I don’t know what this was about????

Thursday, July 22, 2021


Location – North Star Hotel
Due to Victoria’s covid lockdown #5, we have reverted to our covid safe settings with a weekend trail and Monday night zoom hash circle (thanks to Spencer Hocking). About 20 Ballarat Hashers (in dribs and drabs) followed a trail that was set from the North Star, or did their own trail, over the weekend (if trail was outside their current 5km exercise limit). I’m not sure what happened to the original Hare (Road Runner), but thanks go to Nutcracker who stepped up and set a trail in silver paint from the North Star. Unfortunately, the trail did not withstand the wet weather on Saturday and Mountie & Pus Bucket then marked a new trail Sunday morning. A real team effort!
21 Hashers gathered for the zoom hash circle Monday night, where there was general discussion relating to how much we all hate covid! Mountie then shagged the run without anyone to hold her Moot and gave the following scores, Venue 20, Terrain 20 (Black Hill provided plenty of hills and shiggy on trail), Marking -10 + 20 = 10 (first trail was washed away but Mountie liked her own second trail), Drink Stop -10 (there was no drink stop), Groovy Factor 20 (the silver paint used for the first trail helped with the Groovy Factor), giving a total of 60 out of 100. ðŸŽ¶ Shitty Trail ðŸŽ¶
Spencer Hocking then stepping in as acting Sergeant and it was no surprise that he went on to talk about numbers. This being run number 2044 was significant because if you remove the zero, then 244 is the number of runs for D&C. Other Sniffy runs went to BP 1240, Bent 1471, Campaspe 85, Mountie 1311, Pauline 311, Plucka 313 (D&C was her stand in) and Fascinator 187. We also celebrated NBCL’s birthday with ðŸŽ¶ Hashy Birthday! ðŸŽ¶
Charges from the run went to Mountie who was remiss with the scoring and did not mention the poisoning of a local dog with the flour that she used to mark the trail. Nutcracker and NBCL were charged for leaving their front door wide open and Pauline was charged for complaining that Lois Lane and Mrs D walk too fast.
Fay (NBCL’s Mum) joined the zoom and talked about NBCL’s birth being when man landed on the moon. This led to chatter about the filming of “The Dish” not actually being in Parkes. Filming was done in nearby Forbes because Forbes is more attractive. Nutcracker agrees!
Rowdy then shared that his daughter has finally been able to get a seat on a repatriation flight from the UK allowing her to return to Australia. Teflon was also grateful to Nutcracker for setting the run from the North Star which was exactly 5km from their home. Nutcracker then talked about her Dry July and asked for support for her McGrath Nurse who is doing it for her. There was mention of SS’s 80th Birthday in 2 weeks and SS shared that he had been out fishing and successfully caught 2 trout. SS also gave an update on Fang’s health. Fang is battling cancer and is having breathing issues due to fluid in his lungs. Spencer Hocking shared that he had lost money on the camel and pig races in outback Queensland but was otherwise having a good holiday. It was lovely to see Exit on zoom and she is looking forward to coming to a run once we are allowed to gather together. Fascinator told us that he has returned from his holiday in Mildura and is still waiting for his covid test result, who would have predicted that covid would have an outbreak there?
There was then discussion about upcoming events (that may or may not happen??) with the Bike wine tour – 8th-10th October (Beechworth), Ball’s up – Oct 23rd (Mulgrave Country Club) and Nash Hash – 4th-7th November (Adelaide). Please contact Teflon within the next 2 weeks if interested in the bike tour and please email Exit if interested in the Ball.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 26 July 2021, Hare: Precious – Location: TBA & Zoom Hash Circle
After we timed out from our first 40 min on zoom there was further discussion about our current covid safe strategies given the delta outbreak and lockdown restrictions. It was decided that trails will not have a drink stop until further notice.
Furthermore, as already posted on FaceBook, the Grand Mysteries have convened and, given the strange circumstances we find ourselves in, if the set run is outside of your permitted travel area please do your own run, post it to Facebook and attend the circle. This will be counted as a bona fide hash run!

Thursday, July 15, 2021


RUN #2043, 12 JULY 2021– HARE: LOIS LANE
Location – Ballymannus Central Park & Top Eureka
About 20 brave (or stupid) Ballarat Hashers gathered at the Ballymanus Central Park in appalling conditions for run 2043. It was very cold and raining quite heavily, so the trail was significantly abbreviated. The two drink stops became one and we went straight to the well stocked drink stop where mulled wine, beers, lollies, chips and cocktail onion hors d’oeuvres kept everyone happy.
Down Downs started with the welcomes back where Normal and Nummy were charged. Mountie then shagged the run without her Moot and gave the following scores, Venue 10 (we were surrounded by Irish street names with typical Irish weather), Terrain 2 (no hills and very short trail), Marking 15 (Lois marked trail in the dark the previous night to maximize trail visibility, but unfortunately trail was washed out), Drink Stop 15, Groovy Factor 15, giving a total of 57 out of 100. ðŸŽ¶Shitty Trail ðŸŽ¶
Charges from before the run went to Normal, Mastabait, SS, Pus Bucket and Mountie. Pus Bucket’s Dad was seen in the newspaper during the week, he’d been photographed laying the first brick for the Ballarat Civic Hall. Lois then received a charge for her well set but washed-out trail and Shafted was charged for his Pavarotti impersonation. ðŸŽ¶ Mrs Murphy ðŸŽ¶
Charges from the run went to Precious who was charged for something about the Irish nature of the run but without exploding letterboxes and Juz Cum was charged for missing Pus Buckets earlier charge. Pus Bucket was then charged for getting lost, which is quite an achievement when he was a bar fly. ðŸŽ¶Your One Skin🎶
Normal was then charged for returning to Vic and claiming that the covid test that he had to have tickled. ðŸŽ¶ No No No ðŸŽ¶ Mrs Dickhead was then charged as RA for the shitty weather and Pauline and Precious were charged for Hashy Birthdays. ðŸŽ¶Hashy Birthday🎶
Donuts was then charged for the arrival of a new Grandchild and Lois Lane was charged for finding her fluoro vest that was looking a little tight over her many layers of clothing. ðŸŽ¶ You’re Ugly ðŸŽ¶ Precious was then charged for leaving a tube of lube under the spare bed at Lois’s. ðŸŽ¶ Give us an A ðŸŽ¶ Normal then received another charge for holidaying with Drambuie but not bringing him along to hash. Rowdy then received a charge and if one Dr drinks, all Dr’s drink, so he was joined by Campaspe. ðŸŽ¶ He Ought to Be ðŸŽ¶
We then finished up with Shagging charges, for those who are quiet and never get charges. These were given to Penny Farthing, BP, NBCL, Plucka and Gilf. Nummy then received the final charge of the night for her association with the Barty Party. ðŸŽ¶ 20 Toes ðŸŽ¶
Next Week’s Run – Monday 19 July 2021, Hare: Road Runner – Location: North Britain (However, with the new covid lockdown restrictions just announced, we will be back to zoom hash ☹).

Friday, July 9, 2021


RUN #2042, 5 JULY 2021– HARE: D&C
Location – Freight Bar
37 Ballarat Hashers signed the book as we gathered at the Freight Bar for run 2042. About 16 of us ventured out on the run which took in the Eureka flag at Bakery Hill where Rowdy led the group on a rendition of ðŸŽ¶ Beneath the Southern Cross🎶 . Soon after that we lost trail and the group lost a few runners who made up their own trail from there on. After finding trail, Campaspe took a tumble but most of us still made it to the drink stop. PS: Xray of hand showed no broken bones ðŸ˜Š.
Down Downs started with the welcomes back where there were a crowd of hashers downing their beers, but I didn’t get any names. ðŸŽ¶ fuck of ya cunt ðŸŽ¶
Mountie then shagged the run and gave the following scores, Venue 15 (appealing venue on Peel St), Terrain 5 (no hills brings the score down), Marking 0 (more council marking than hash trail), Drink Stop was 5 then changed to 10 (cold beer was available this week), Groovy Factor 10 (GMs set the run and Campaspe took a dive), giving a total of 40 out of 100. ðŸŽ¶ Shitty Trail ðŸŽ¶
Precious then received a charge for resembling a contestant on Ninja Warrior which was showing on the TV at the Freight Bar. ðŸŽ¶ You’re Ugly ðŸŽ¶ Mountie was then charged for her association with Mair St (Mare?) and Campaspe was charged for needing a break on the run and laying down for a rest. Fascinator was also charged for trying to follow trail on his bike but he returned early as he couldn’t find trail. ðŸŽ¶ They Ought to be ðŸŽ¶
The GMs were then charged for giving Campaspe a going over but leaving her right hand ok so she was still able to scribe. Bent Nose was charged for completing 1200 runs, then 6 months later also completing 1200 runs. Lois was charged for auditing the run numbers and checking if Jacki was Jacki or Jacqui. ðŸŽ¶ 20 Toes ðŸŽ¶
Sniffy Runs were awarded to NBCL 69 (who refused to stand on his head and drink his beer). ðŸŽ¶ No No No ðŸŽ¶ D&C 242 and Her Vagesty 180. ðŸŽ¶ She’s a Harriette ðŸŽ¶
Charges from before the run went to all the over 60’s for something about Pfizer and the branding on the beer jug. Rowdy was charged as the Medical Adviser and then if one Dr drinks, all Dr’s drink so Quick Dick and Campaspe joined in. ðŸŽ¶ You’re Stupid ðŸŽ¶
Campaspe was charged again for attempting to destroy the pavement and Nutcracker and D&C were charged for nearly being in a car accident where D&C was accused of trying to take out Nutcracker and take over as sole GM. All GWS supporters were then charged but because there were none, Shafted you’ll do. The GMs were charged again for getting lost on their own trail but it’s OK they were found “stranded on peel” where Precious was charged for not getting a trim. Pauline and Paul Bearer were charged because if one Paul drinks, all Paul’s drink. Precious received another charge for losing trail and being at butt fuck nowhere. ðŸŽ¶Mrs Murphy ðŸŽ¶
Paul Bearer was then charged for losing Plucka’s feathers from his puffer jacket as he walked past a rose bush and Squizzy was charged for being lost and missing the drink stop. ðŸŽ¶ Finnish Drinking Song ðŸŽ¶ Gina was then charged as the only thing stupider than coming once, is coming twice to hash. ðŸŽ¶ Do you tits hang low ðŸŽ¶
We finished up with the introduction of Shagging charges, for those who are quiet and never get charges. These were given to Penny Farthing, BP, Big Dog and SS.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 12 July 2021, Hare: Lois Lane.
On On : Ballymanus Central Park, Alfredton.
On Ballarat/Carngham Rd, turn right onto Galway Drive, & the Park is at the end of Galway.
On After : Top Eureka.