Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Run 1582 St Georges Lake - Hare Mrs Dickhead

Run 1582 St Georges Lake - Hare Mrs Dickhead

Fop & Mrs Dickhead loaded up the truck and headed to St Georges Lake.... St Georges Lake, Creswick ...... The Fop & Mrs Dickbillies da da ...well not quiet the Beverley Hillbillies, but they had everything needed in their trailer: portable fire place, tables, chairs, BBQ, knives & forks, Tomatoe sauce, axe and food.The camp set up required coordination and a good deal of wood gathering before the run could start, much to the constination of the Grand Chichen Master, who was anxious for once to get the run started before 7 pm!

The lake was flat and calm with only ducks floating on the surface... so away we went through the beautiful bush land of Crewick. Minimal hills and marked clearly in Blue paint. At the drink stop, again, there was a flurry of wood gathering to ensure the Hashers did not get cold... how long were we staying?

Down, Downs were drowned out by he covert of witches gathered around the fire, is witchcraft real?
...mmmh unable to remember the significant downs downs as I was under the spell of the witches and smoke from the fire!

The meal was great and cooked on the BBQ by the Silli unt,  There were a few who stayed and enjoyed the fire for much longer than usual... 2300hrs OMG

Oh Candida the words are:
I wear high heels,
Suspenders, and a bra. I wish I'd been a girlie,
Just like my dear Papa. . nah nah
See you next week for Sorrys run at the City Oval pub

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