Monday, June 11, 2018

11 - 6 - '18     Run 1883     Miner's Tavern

The "Stand-in" Committee Run for the Stand-ins, with Hare 
PRECIOUS. TEFLON stepped up to be Stand-in GM, & called
the reverence, saying "excuse me - listen in".
PRECIOUS told us to have a "bit of a run" then "go drink
some beer". 14 super athletes, 5 walkers. 1 bar fly ... & a 
A couple of half circles of the CBD & then up thru' Soldier's 
Hill we went. You run from the Miner's, so where do you have 
the Drink-stop? Unlike last week, we made it back just before 
the rain.
At the circle, the 'real' Choirmaster QUICKDICK called the
reverence, & next, was Stand-in Screw SS. Didn't know about
the run, but reckoned it should get the Queen's Birthday 
Award - where's MOUNTIE?   BP led the walkers, going 
everywhere but nowhere, uphill & down, all the time talking
to herself, so he had huge sympathies for BENTNOSE. Next
was the limerick, & then 'they' used the "Camel is the horse 
designed by a committee" analogy for the run.
                                (Shitty trail ........ ).
Welcome's back for HEAD HUNTER, QUICKDICK
SPARTACUS, Paul the Pom & Paul Bearer.
TEFLON said about 'rumours' of sniffyc*nt runs tonight, so
it was PRECIOUS 70 & NUTCRACKER 44 out for a drink. Oh,
& another 2 'kind of sniffyc*nt runs' were THE BILL 1600 & 
BENTNOSE 1300 - (& he actually ran).
                                 (Get a life, life .... ).
Stand-in Sergeant BENTNOSE charged QUICKDICK & FOP
for declining the Sergeant opp - No means Yes - then, 
Immediate Past Choirmaster HEADHUNTER gave us the,
                                 (You're stupid ........ ).
SS had a drink to commiserate the Demons' loss - especially
as we didn't have to listen to ROWDY's chuckling, then D&C
& NUTCRACKER drank up as the 2 disabled blondes.
                             (No no, bad bad ..........). 
GLIDER had been gaining some culture listening to ABC
Classics, & heard the Adagio from SPARTACUS, & the 
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies from the NUTCRACKER 
BENT & PRECIOUS had a drink for the rebound that wasn't -
work that one out !! PRECIOUS shouldn't have been drinking 
tonight, prior to his 2nd Uni exam, but he didn't sit for the 1st.
FOP charged 'the Son' PRECIOUS as being the 'classic 
millenial' - "Would you help me set the run, & bring some 
chalk, & buy the beer, & take me there?" - all the time saying 
that FOP had done f*ck all. 
            ....... here it is !!!      (Oughta be ........ ).
HEADHUNTER gave BENTNOSE the Fashion Police charge,
& Paul the Pom was caught 'stretching' on the run, & as one
Paul drinks ....... you too Paul Bearer.
                   (There's a game called 20 toes ........ ).  
BENTNOSE charged GILF & BP for adopting the 'position of
authority' on his podium, instead of staying on the floor with
the rest of the plebs, & THE BILL out for claiming 300 more 
runs than BENT - because he short-cuts all the time.
                      (Put your left leg over mine ..... ), 
                    complete with HEADHUNTER demo.
TEFLON charged QUICKDICK for adopting a position, making
it look like the torch was shining from his elbow.
                 (Bullshit, bullshit, it all sounds like bs .......).
BENTNOSE charged SPARTACUS for failing the only job he
was given - took half an hour to get the music turned off for
the circle, then MRS DICKHEAD spruiked the rebound to 
BENT, saying that half an hour was 'ultimate efficiency' when
he was a Govt. "Worker".
The jugs were empty as the phones ran hot in the 
Trailmaster's absence - "where's next week's run?"
Run 1884 - Hare NUM NUM from home, Cuthbert's Road.

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