Tuesday, December 22, 2015

21/12 Committee Christmas Run Stubby's Brewery

Good of Stubby to invest in a brewery on our behalf.  We were able to share Rowdy's Christmas Odes with the customers of various central establishments.
Light Fingers, Stubby, SOS and Beer Fuck were welcomed back.Those who have attempted brewing previously were charged.
 Many had Christmas regalia. Silic decided to come as a wrinkly Joffa.
The first stop was the Robin Hood where Rear Entry was pleased to see Vivienne- of the Sergeants previous alliance- present to listen to us all singing about his present one.
 Luke at the  Eastern Station is still recovering from having Missing Links tongue inserted in his ear.
The venue did allow us to share some of the less tasteful ditties. Spencer was reminded that some of his former neighbours had invaded his present affluent suburb to pinch Rats Arse's bike.
Spartacus and the original Boot hosted t- he next drinks where the Hash Hymn was sung in memory of Heavy - with actions by Shafted.
At Irish Murphy's a Pommy tourist thought we may have slipped a date rape drug into his charge. The GM, via Love Actually, provided the porn.
Only the hardier Hashers lasted to the Miner's Tavern.
Chicken and salads accompanied yet more drinks and carols with an anal theme.
Next week at the Lake View.No trail and food there if you like.

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