Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Run 1727 Num Num's MidYear Christmas Lazy Moe's

After a freezing weekend, it seemed appropriate to celebrate a winter festival.
Our Hare set a run to the west- foreign climes for many. Rowdy found the location so unfamiliar that he missed the generous drink stop. As we has also misplaced the Hash Horn somewhere in Lucas, perhaps the confusion was understandable.
All expected the drink stop to be held at the Hare's abode, but she aparently hasn't yet broken in the neighbours.
The stand-in-screw,Shafted, mused about a trail including Christine Avenue (aven't you) and Warwick Park.
Mountie did complete the run in a neon festive outfit.
 Fascinator had found a way to be paid for attending Hash by making it to the Tapas Day at Michael Unwin's on Sunday.
Num Num completed her 400th, Bait his 1200th and BP the majority of a year since her last birthday.
Songs included an ode to Fluid Movement and Rear Entry on the occasion of "The Slap".
Then to the christmas feast which the establishment seemed to decree gourmet.At Hash, speed and volume are the primary cullinary virtues.

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