Monday, January 28, 2019

28 - 1 - '19     Run 1916    North Gardens

Hash 30 for the Straya Day hol. - 10 Walkers, couple of 
Bar Flys & the rest - Super Athletes. Some resplendent in
Straya Gear, the GM complete with the green/yellow lei. He
assisted with the run set - said that it was about 5k & mostly 
in the shade.
The Drink-stop was parked a bit further north than the  
No Alcohol signs, & that's where we met 'Poiter', dropping
in for some refreshment. 
Back at the Circle, PEBBLES had welcomes back for Tiarni,
                      (There's a game called 20 toes ....... ),
             ably led by TEFLON reading from the songbook.
MOUNTIE was up for a  PEBBLES screw, saying that the trail
was lack lustre, RANDOLPH was in everyone's way, & the 
water fountains along the way were the same height as
SHAFTED's dick. The run board didn't surface, but the
limerick ..... "PEBBLES oversaw this north gardens disaster,
no Committee has fucked the Hash faster".
                                (Shitty Trail ......... ).
The new "hot guy" (Poiter) had fucked off, so Tiarni had
his drink.
               (A soldier ........ to piss ........ for cunt-ry ..... ).
Sergeant SHAFTED asked MOUNTIE about the sniffycunts
of 1916 - of course, his reason - the Daintree river is the
highest it's been since 1916.
More sniffycunts - the runs. Tiarni 5, IMMACULATE 
....... PLUCKA's middle name - A-nnette, so she could go
fishing !!
LOIS LANE had a drink to celebrate New Zulland's 'Why
tongue a fanny' day, & then CHRIS CROS had a charge for
newly diagnosed celiac, FOP, & as all ce-lics drink, you
too SILIC.
                          (You're stupid ......... ).
BITCHFACE charged MOUNTIE for being 'rejected' by 
BIG DOG, but a rebound, as the BITCH... didn't get
a 'lick' in.
FOP charged HER VAG for taking him to a beer fest, since
now he can't drink beer, & DUMB(ER) & DUMBER charged
PEBBLES for being late to set the run.
                         (What a wank ............. ).
SPENCE charged SILIC for only barely managing a walk to
the Drink-stop, & NUMMY charged PEBBLES for the people
on the 'fun' run.
                (Put it in your hand Mrs Murphy .......... ).
MOUNTIE charged NUM & DUMB for the 'hat over the penis'
gag. "You should raise your hat for a lady" - "if you weren't 
so ugly it would raise itself!!"
SHAFFY had Peggy & THE BILL drink together for the 
swapped shirts.
                           (She's the meanest .............. ).
NORMAL charged Peggy for getting PRECIOUS to drink
out of her new shoes, & then IMMACULATE was out for new
shoes as well.
SPARTACUS had a drink for his question about the pile of 
vomit - 'was it viral or alcoholic?'
                            (Hymn, fuck hymn ........... ).
ROWDY charged SILIC for peeing in public, & then NUMMY
had a drink for 'invasion day'.
                    (His one skin hangs down ........... ).
Religious Adviser D&C had Tiarni out to adopt the position,
...... enjoy the sex & running .......... arise BATWOMAN.

Next week's run - 1917,  Co-Hares MASTABAITING NORMAL.

The pasta & pizzas were up to standard at the On After, & all
leftovers were passed along to table's end, for total 
consumption by resident gastronamis, SILIC.

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