Tuesday, January 22, 2019

21 - 1 - '19        Run 1915         Morrisons

The Hash 25 gathered at Dolly's Creek Road for the 3rd day 
of Celebrating the HALF A BAR 70th., (amid the brand new 
power towers, just waiting around to make a squillion for 
the Hare !!).
Stand-in GM 'ratemyagent' FASCINATOR called the reverence,
& banged on about the Centenary of Anzac, & Australia to 
coming of age etc., then gave a "Hashy Birthday fuck you" to 
NORMAL's 65 & HALF A BAR's 70. HALF A BAR paraded in 
the Birthday Jox 'n Sox, & his best pressy - the Turban.
The Hare intro'd the Run, saying it's short, mostly flat with a
down & uphill - the On On is out the front. Take your car to
the usual Drink-stop if you like.
The walkers were waiting at the Cemetery Drink-stop, when
BAR LICKER fronted in the twin-cab, loaded with a heap of 
runners who had lost their way. The Stellas, vodka & chips
were enjoyed, & then a toast to HALF A BRA.
At the Circle, FASCINATOR began with a welcome's back (?).
                         (You're stupid ....... ).
Best Hash Screw MOUNTIE was next, presenting the Drive 
Mags & promptly put the sticker on the bottom space of the 
Run Board. Said that the only excitement on the run was
QUICKDICK trying to 'stamp' a snake away, with NUMMY
helping out, doing her version of the Haka. (HALF A BAR
thought "a fuckin' snake - no-one fuckin' appreciates me
gettin' a fuckin' snake to appear). The trail was marked in
the same coloured dirt as on the road. The Limerick .....
"BAR LICKER could prance around all day, in extreme 
lingerie, but HE likes his sex wild & woolly".
                           (Shitty Trail ........... ). 
Sergeant SHAFTED rolled up in a singlet (as they said), that
HALF A BAR would wear to meet the Governor. He charged
MASTABAIT for giving him the wrong directions to start the
                            (Hymn ...... fuck hymn ....).
Sniffycunt runs (as per the book), were PUSBUCKET 17,  
                            (Get a life .............. ).
BIG DOG had a drink for his ride with SPARTACUS (?),
after SPARTACUS had txt'd all & sundry. MOUNTIE charged
SPENCE for his looking for a ride. & then D&C for saying,
"Get fucked, I'm bringing DONUTS".
                      (This is your down down song ....... ).
PUSBUCKET chimed in saying, "The wonderful world of 
the bar fly is always good".
NUMMY charged HALF A BAR for laying on BAR LICKER
at 3:30 am Sunday, 'asking for a root', then promptly started
snoring his head off.
D&C charged DONUTS for not washing the glasses when he
was Stand-in Grogmaster.
             (A soldier ...... to piss ...... for cunt'ry ...... ).
MRS D charged BIG DOG for getting his monogrammed hat
from SPARTACUS, after being in Hash only '5 minutes'.
               (There's a game called 20 toes ........... ).
PRECIOUS shot his mouth off a little too soon, saying that
"you wouldn't find a virgin at Hash", just as Peggy stood by
his side.
NORMAL stepped up to the BBQ, first cleaning the fur from 
the plate, then loading up the leftover 'smoked sausages' 
for their warm up. SHAFFY wrestled with a broken knife & 
lumpy sharpening steel, but in the end, the steak was cut 
& cooked, & turned out like fairy floss.
The cheese platter, salads & pav were well appreciated - 
a good finale to the HALF A BAR '70' weekend.

Next week's run - 1916 - TBA. 
The notice a little earlier this week please DUMB.


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