Tuesday, September 24, 2019

23 - 9 - '19                        Run 1950                      G C's

Doctor, come back, it's only a game. 2020 is another year for 
the Pies - maybe even be a 'hat trick'.
Hash 35 for the SPARTACUS Run. HEAD HUNTER did a 
sterling job to quieten the crowd at the start, but not too many
FASCINATOR congratulated supporters of GWS, East/Point &
then Redan for their Back to Back flags. It was Brownlow Night 
so quite a few colours about.
SPARTACUS told us about a most intricate run, marked on the 
left in chalk, no on-backs marked & a Drink-stop.
Half a doz. Bar Flys kept the fires at home burning, there were 
about a doz. Walkers, & the rest, Super Athletes arriving 
together at the Carlton Draught Drink-stop in the garage at 
Buxtons. Intricate indeed was the run - west along Sturt (on the
south side) to Pleasant, then East along Sturt (on the north side)
to Buxtons.
At the Circle, FASCINATOR welcomed back DIMWIT, DONUTS
& Dr DEATH, & as all Dr's drink .......... Sharon & QUICKDICK.
NUTCRACKER had been "held up" (aka Lost) at the Halt.
                           (You're stupid ......... ),
FASCINATOR called for the "poor Collingwood wankers" & out 
NUTCRACKER & Dr DEATH were out again for summ'et .... & as
all Dr's drink ..... QUICKDICK & Sharon.
Screw SHAFTED began by complaining that we'd left before he 
arrived, 'but we always do!!' He said that it was the Brains Trust 
left at the fireside - HALF A BAR, GLIDER, Dr DEATH
SPARTACUS. He likened the mateship of SPARTACUS
PUSBUCKET to Ray Charles & Mick Jagger, then launched into 
his version of Georgia/Angie.
            "Snags only rides a bike, but he's the one I like,
          Georgie, thank f*ck you don't drink so you can drive".
                               (Shitty Trail ......... ),
Sniffycunt Runs for BITCHFACE 69.
                          (Put your left leg in ........),
Charge for the Tigers' Supporters, BIG DOG & REAR ENTRY ....
.............. you'll do PRECIOUS.
         From the song sheet, "Oh we're from Liquorland ....."
3AW Morrisons Stolen Hay Correspondent Tommy HALF A BAR
was interviewed for quite a while & didn't say fuck once.
Sergeant MOUNTIE (minus fancy dress) had those out with the
1950 Birth Year ... DUMBER, NORMAL & DONUTS.
                  (Put it in your hand Mrs Murphy ......... ),
In Absentia Birthday drinks were next PHUCKWIT taken by 
'waddaweewant' charge.
                   (Ya don't get me I'm part of the Union ..... ),
Another 'Pies' charge went to PEBBLES, NUTCRACKER &
                             (U.G.L.Y........... you're ugly),
FASCINATOR had Dr Shazza out the front ....... & all Dr's,
                              (No, no, bad, bad .......... ),
LOIS LANE charged PAULINE & SHAFTED for the car being
'rifled', then Dr DEATH charged BITCHFACE for wanting to do 
laps of the City Oval, but she was too pissed.
DIMWIT got a postcard addressed to:       DIMWIT,
                              (Why was he born so ........ ),
showing off (tits) in the new green "Survivor" T's, then DUMBER
got the "Mustang on the Wire" charge. 
                            (They're all right ........... ),
THE BILL had PEBBLES & DIMWIT out for their photos on the 
Seniors Mag, & then NORMAL to HEAD HUNTER for what 
QUICKDICK does behind closed doors.
                            (Give us an A ........... ),
PAULINE charged NUMMY for 'backing back' at the lights, then
PEBBLES to NUTCRACKER for waiting at the HEAVY's Shop
"Circle with nothing in it". DONUTS had DIMWIT out for saying,
"Never give a woman an inch", then MRS D a shout for No1 Son
PRECIOUS, who couldn't unlock Mum's phone.
                             (Oughta be ............. ),
BITCHFACE gave MOUNTIE a drink for destroying NUMMY's
brand new shirt, with red wine, then PEBBLES took a charge for
(years ago) being a great follower on the field.
DIMWIT's zinger, "What noise does a nut make when it  sneezes?" 
             ........... "A Chew!!".
Next week's Run - 1951 - BAD HEAD JOB
                                         On On, The Stag Pub,
                                         Learmonth.        Bring a Bra.


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