Tuesday, May 19, 2015

18/5/15 Run 1718 Her Vagesty Market Hotel

Prior to the run, the passing of Silic's mother was noted.
The run around the Victoria Park on Rainbow Day did lack some of the expected diversity. Jelly shots,chips, lollies and good beer at the drink stop made up for that.
Silic's frugality, it was explained, is genetic. He was included into the fold by Half a Bar and Bent Nose.
Things AbNormal were noted:Bent leading the walk,Fop being Fop and Go Go travelling for a non existent major event. Her Vag was deemed just normal.
BP was given the Barnaby charge for a promising war on terriers.
Precious, SOS and Bar Liquour (sporting a shepherding wound) returned after absences.
SS brought his own fishing trophy. Cris Cros almost successfully cleared a waterway. D&D's bike security was applauded, other than the small matter of leaving the key in the lock.

Notices were listed as:Inter Hash early bird discounts close on June 30th
                                   :Peninsula Hash June 10th
                                   : Lakeside Hash July 4th

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