Monday, August 15, 2022


 14 h 
Run # 2104, 15 August 2022.
Rear Entry from the Ballarat Bowls Club
It’s time… for serious role delegation. So, for the Looney Tunes fans, it’s the triumphant return of the Road Runner as GM. In lieu of much of the committee, the night was defined by fill ins.
After a fantastic run in the east, the run commenced with the welcomes back under the expert guidance of Mr Runner. Welcomes backs were given to The Bill and SOS and presumably others. (Get a Life). This perfectly lead Hash into the fill in Screw, Nut Bush Clitty Licker. NBCL termed the run “The best of runs, the worst of runs”. He describe a run that “transversed” Sturt Street. When asked about clarity around the word transversed. He described that it meant the opposite of reversed. The run was termed to have been good in nature. (Shitty Trail)
It was then time for the fill in sergeant. Due to the sergeant and the scribe being the same person, the scribe will be referring to themselves in third person to make the sergeant look better… even if it makes the scribes attention to detail look shitter. The first charge went to Scomo, because despite his tendency to step into roles when they’re available in the government, he was notably absent when Hash needed someone to step into roles. Rowdy was also charged. The sergeant had told Rowdy that the Sergeant and Scribe may have hypothetically been one and the same, so it was his fault if the Scribe struggled with details. (There was a song here)
Rowdy was asked to stay out the front alongside the Billy Goat. Many people had seen the Billy Goat and stated that they hadn’t seen the Bill in a long time. But the Sergeant has Rowdy as a doctor who bulk bills and, as a result, they haven’t the bill in years. (There was a song here)
The sergeant also charged Bad Hair Day. Sometimes to charge before the run, you must charge during the run. It was noted that BHD was calling an awful lot of trail, almost as if he were a live hare. But, as we all know, BHD hasn’t had live hair since well before the run. Joining him was BP, how was charged for her little gash on the side of her face turning into a large bleeding gash in a week… no doubt the work of Bent Nose. (There was a song here)
There were a few charges that have faded into the obscurity of memory. The infinite fallibility of the human mind. Nutcracker and NBCL were charged for Nutcracker stating mid run that she had spent “all day on [her] knees” ensure it didn’t rain and nobody appreciated it. But Hash was fairly certain NBCL appreciated it. (There was a song here)
In the theme of blonde harriet charges, the sergeant charged DnC as they had been travelling a lot in the last few days. In their travels the sergeant had decided to refer to Ballarat as DnC because it’s kinda old, kinda wet “but I’d still go there”. (There was a song here)
At this point, Road Runner forgot what was going on and became both the GM and the sergeant. The only other noteworthy charge that comes to mind was a promise the scribe made to Pusbucket. This promise was a deeply seeded tradition in hash. As such, the circle watched Rear Entry fumble his way through the Richmond song once again… to great amusement. (YELLOW AND BLACK)
The rest of the night has been lost to the fallibility of human memory. Next weeks run… ask Rowdy, surely he knows.

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