Wednesday, January 26, 2022

 Sovereign H3 - Members Only

RUN #2073, 24 January 2022
Hare: Half a Bar – Location: 225 Dollys Creek Road, Morrisons
33 Hashers signed the book and gathered at Morrisons for run 2073. We began from Half a bar’s new dongas (transportable cabins) a bit further down the road from his place. Two hashers were adorned with celebratory balloons, with SS on 1800 runs and NBCL on 100 runs. I joined the walkers again this week, and we wandered about 3km down to the Moorabool River and back. I believe the runners followed a longer trail that went somewhere along the river too and they all returned looking quite hot and bothered. Once all hashers returned, we loaded into vehicles and shared a drink with Half a Bra at the local cemetery. We all then returned to Half a bar’s dongas for down downs and Bar Licker provided us all with a plentiful dinner of BBQ sausages, chilli potatoes, roast lamb and roast pork with bread and rolls. There was also donuts and cake for dessert.
Hash Circle was called and began with recognition of Mastabait’s and Half a bar’s birthdays. ðŸŽ¶ ? Song, not Hashy Birthday ðŸŽ¶ . We then had welcome backs for Head Hunter, Fergie, Exit, Lois Lane, Rowdy, Dr Death and Gabby. ðŸŽ¶ Give us an A ðŸŽ¶ .
Sniffy run presentations were then made to Penny Farthing, who had her mug engraved from the middle of last year, NBCL was presented with his new mug for 100 runs and SS’s 1800 runs was celebrated. ðŸŽ¶ Get a Life ðŸŽ¶ . Half a bar and Bar Licker then received a down down as it was their 7-year wedding anniversary. ðŸŽ¶ Mrs Murphy (substituted with Spielvogel) ðŸŽ¶ .
Mountie then stepped up to screw the run and requested that Fergie hold her Moot. She then went on to complain that Nutcracker and NBCL took her moot home last week and now it’s all warped. They f#@ked her moot! ðŸŽ¶ No No No ðŸŽ¶ . Mountie then told a joke about Bar Licker needing to see a wizard to have a terrible spell lifted. He needed the exact wording of the original spell so that he could undo it, and Bar Licker said “I now pronounce you husband and wife”. ðŸ¤£ There were also jokes about Half a bar having no birth certificate and requiring an apology from the condom company as well as jokes about Bar Licker being shorter that Half a bar. ðŸ¤£ Mountie then awarded the following scores: Venue 30 (in the bush, great view), Terrain 30 (hills), Marking -30 (scarce marking), Drink Stop 20 (Mountie liked being able to dance on graves at the DS), Groovy Factor 20. Total Score: 70. ðŸŽ¶ Shitty Trail ðŸŽ¶.
Half a bar was then charged for giving the barman a hard time last week and there were comments about his request for a wallet moth cocktail. ðŸŽ¶ He ought to be ðŸŽ¶ .
Finally, the sergeants called for charges from before the run, of which there were many. Half a bar was charged for asking others to not puncture the bags of ice, so he could return them tomorrow for a refund. He was then made to sit on a bag of ice in the middle of the fire pit. Num Num charged Dumb for forgetting to pick up Spencer Hocking on the bus, after her specific instructions were given, but as Dumb was unable to drink, Num scored the down down. Num Num then sat on the ice and seemed to really enjoy it. Teflon then charged Pauline and Lois for a bunch of noisy Kiwi’s at his golf club. ðŸŽ¶ Build a bonfire ðŸŽ¶ .
There was then another charge for Half a bar and his mate, Mastabait with the comment that you “Reap what you sow and root what you grow”. Exit then charged D&C for mooning over Half a bar. ðŸŽ¶ You’re stupid ðŸŽ¶ .
Exit then charged Mrs D for her disappointment over the cancellation of Nash Hash and presented her with a book that she found in an op shop, “Mrs D is going without”. Mrs D also enjoyed sitting on the ice bag. Mountie then charged Mastabait (? why) and Pauline charged Half a bar for asking if he knew if anyone else was arriving behind him. ðŸŽ¶ Do your tits hang low ðŸŽ¶ .
Moving on to charges from the run, Fop charged Half a bar for his comment during the screw, where he was heard to say that he’d done all the good bits and Bar Licker had done the shit bits. ðŸŽ¶ Sit on my face ðŸŽ¶ .
Fergie was then charged for not listening and Shafted announced a charge in recognition of the recent death of Meat Loaf. ðŸŽ¶ Bat out of Hell ðŸŽ¶ . There was then a charge for Big Dog and again D&C piped up to say that he wasn’t here, so she scored the drink. Teflon then told us that he saw Meat Loaf live in 1978 and D&C said she saw the same show in 1977. Mrs D said she cooked Meat Loaf in 2008. Teflon and D&C both said that the first band at the concert was The Angels, so this was followed by… ðŸŽ¶ Am I ever Gonna see your Face Again… ðŸŽ¶ .
Precious then charged Mrs D and Fop for getting him his first job with Half a bar when he was 14, back when his parents were still together. ðŸŽ¶ 20 Toes ðŸŽ¶ .
Teflon then stepped up with the Dickhead of the week award. Nominees were: Mountie for something about a phone call, Mastabait for touching the prickles in the fire pit and saying, shit that’s sharp, but the winner was Half a bar and if one Spielvogel drinks, all Spielvogels drink, so Bar Licker had a drink too. Fop then shared that Her Vag was disappointed that she didn’t get to keep the award for the week, as Teflon always takes it home. ðŸŽ¶ His One skin ðŸŽ¶.
We then went on to discuss the upcoming date of Glider’s memorial run and lunch at the Axedale Pub. While it was originally scheduled for Sunday 6th Feb, due to clashes with other events and after a show of hands, this run has now been rescheduled for Sunday 27th February. See post from Num Num for more details and please let her know if you would like a seat on the bus.
Next weeks run was then announced, this will be the Cricket Run with Pus Bucket as the hare and will be held at the City Oval.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 31 January 2022 – Hare: Pus Bucket – Cricket Run, Location: City Oval.

Friday, January 21, 2022


RUN #2072, 17 JANUARY 2022
31 Hashers signed the book and gathered at the Market hotel for run 2072. This week I joined the walkers group and we wandered about 4km around the streets of Delacombe/Redan until we merged with the runners (who did about 6km). The DS was located on Winter St under the shade of a tree and although Penny Farthing was lost on her own trail, there was access to the drinks. Penny Farthing was said to be waiting for the walkers (but the walkers were ahead of her). Precious ran back to collect her, and Spencer Hocking drove back and eventually once all hashers were retrieved, we wandered back to the Market Hotel and gathered in their recently renovated beer garden.
Hash Circle was called and began with recognition of Big Dog standing under a phallic shaped shadow, cast from the nearby collapsed table umbrellas. We then had a down down for our newest hashers, Megan, Gabby & Seth, although Her Vag took Seth’s drink. ðŸŽ¶ This is your Down Down Song ðŸŽ¶ . Megan struggled with her drink and also received ðŸŽ¶ Why are we waiting ðŸŽ¶ .
We then had a welcome back down down for Mastabait and Plucka and Hashy Birthday wishes to Normal. ðŸŽ¶ Hashy Birthday ðŸŽ¶ .
Mountie then stepped up to screw the run and requested that Megan hold her Moot. Mountie began with a joke ðŸ¤£ and then awarded the following scores: Venue 15, Terrain 0 (no hills), Marking 2.5 (scarce marking and Hare lost on own trail), Drink Stop -10 (only light and mid strength beers), Groovy Factor 20 (Snag carried her Moot like a superman cape while cycling to Hash). Total Score: 27.5. ðŸŽ¶ Shitty Trail ðŸŽ¶ .
Gabby and NBCL were called for the next down down, as the number of their runs, 1 and 99, add up to 100. ðŸŽ¶ Get a Life🎶 .
SS on 1799, NBCL on 99 and Megan on 2 were called for the next down down, as their runs add up to 1900. ðŸŽ¶ Get a Life ðŸŽ¶ .
Shafted then charged Penny and all girls under 30 or boys with a pony tail (i.e. Gabby, Wee Problem and Precious). ðŸŽ¶ Young Ones ðŸŽ¶ .
Pauline charged Normal, as he resembled Garry, his host from NYE, but Garry was nicer. Mrs D charged ScoMo for finally making someone make a decision about Novak and BHD charged Precious for having trouble controlling his locks. Num Num then charged Nuts and NBCL for forgetting D&C on their way to hash. ðŸŽ¶ You’re Stupid ðŸŽ¶ .
Teflon then stepped up to award the dickhead of the week award. Nominees were GILF, for putting on her shirt backwards and Penny Farthing for getting lost on her own trail. Penny Farthing was the winner. ðŸŽ¶ She’s Alright ðŸŽ¶ .
Final charge was from Her Vag for Campaspe, for convincing her to enter a roadblock while on their bike ride, that resulted in them having to lift their bikes through a fence and climb through the fence to access the rail trail. Campaspe responded that it was actually the other way around and Her Vag was the real cause of their recent adventures and then if one Dr drinks, all Drs drink, so QD scored a down down too. Hash circle ended with a drink for the waitress who was sent out to tell us that our meals were ready. ðŸŽ¶ Mrs Murphy ðŸŽ¶ .
Call was then made for next weeks run. Hare will be Half-a-bar and trail will be set from his place in Morrisons. See later post/email from Num Num for further information.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 24 January 2022 – Hare: Half-a-bar, Location: 225 Dollys Creek Rd, Morrisons.