Carpet Burns from the North Brit Hotel
We gathered the circle together and Num Num screwed Carpet Burns (something we would all pay to see!)
No one fell over! No friction.
Juz Cum got attacked! Chemical Interness scored badly.
Juz Cum had sticky blood all over her, no amount of water could get it off. Low Water Obsorbsion.
Carpet Burns was hot? Maybe? Heat Resistant.
The run scored 5/6 (don't ask me what one I missed)
We retraced our steps and made sure to welcome everybody back,
FOP, Deep Heat, Boner/Renob, Dr Death and Nurse Batshit (who couldn't be fucked to join us outside), DoodleNuts, Rear Entry, Big Dog and Pebbles!
Our Sergeant came forwards and was bemused (I spelt that one right while shitfaced, yay me!)
We were told the run heads West or East... Lucky for us, Boner went North!
Rowdy was called and charged out for running a casual 23 ks over the weekend while training for Hash. Mountie added to that Her Vag was also caught training for Hash, but ended up winning a race instead. Mountie came second, and Snag confirmed this was a common occurrence for her.
DnC was charged for selling a car online. "In good condition" and so is the car!
Juz Cum was attacked (pushed into the tree). I think Dr Rowdy just needed to fill his schedule for the next day.
Carpet Burns was charged for being a short-cutting cunt on the walk, and wasting her own time as she had set a walking trail.
Precious was charged for worrying us all saying he saw trail miles away on Webster Street and tried to get us all lost.
Bent Nose fell for the classic blunder when Deep tried to charge Head Hunter and Quick Dick, Bent took the beer happily. Head Hunter then showed up, and then quickly left again.
We sang a stupid sportsperson song for Rear Entry
My notes ended with "I am so confused" so the beers must have kicked in.
I am planning to catch up on the scribing ASAP, how dare I finish uni assignments instead...
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