Sunday, June 23, 2024

Run #2206

 Welcome to Run #2206 Mountie from Mt. Xavier Golf Club 

The circle started by reflecting on the past week, the committee had a midweek meeting to plan exciting events for the coming year (details to come!) and our lovely GM has proposed a new award!! The Brownlow of Blockheads will be awarded on Brownlow night, votes will be collected and collated weekly. So everyone better be on their best, or worse, behaviour until then!. 

Campaspe received her 200 run vest, as we all forgot her during the AGM :( 

Num Num came forwards to screw Mountie and we all got very excited! 

Low Friction: its a golf course, plenty of people almost ended up in holes. 

Low Water Absorption: Thank god there was no water in those holes!

Heat Resistant: Everyone got frost bite, brrrrr. 

Chemical Inertness: The front runners were attacked by a kangaroo

Non Stick: Cinderella fell, twice… 

Hydrophobic: Homophobic… Cinderella fell twice! 

6/6 yay! 

All hashers with alliterative names were charged, there goes all the beer.  

Immaculate Conception has been known for telling bad jokes every week but is now taking on the role of fortune teller, as he predicked Cinderellas great falls. 

Campaspe was charged for curing cancer or something…? 

Mountie was charged for her DNF and her fall, didn’t bounce like Cinderella did. 

Rowdy also DNF but was less funny. 

GM Teflon and GILF were charged for doing the nasty for 10 years! 

Precious was charged for his multitasking skills of being fill in grog master, and being funny! 

Spencer Hocking has stoped caring about numbers so i charged him and his palindromic friends, 123 runs for Immaculate Conception, 444 runs for GILF and 50 runs for Cinderella.

At this point Renob returned, yay! 

Next weeks run, Committee Run! Bunch of Grapes on Pleasant Street. 80’s theme for SS’s 1900th run! 

Pencil it in: July 29 mystery bus tour, details to come 

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