Sunday, November 24, 2024

Run #2225 - Halloween Mystry Bus Trip! (28 Oct 2024)

Welcome to this very exciting run blog! We did not have a circle or charges this week as the party started too early and we had too much fun! 

From my blurry memory, the day went as follows... 

The spooky scary bunch of hashers met at City Ovel Hotel and boarded the party bus. We had beers handed out and some sexy waitresses (Mountie and GILF) came to hand out a range of scary snacks. The bus rolled on, showing us the scary sights of Ballarat, all the way out to my original spiritual homeland, Smythesdale. Some brave hashers ran along the Rail Trail, some like me, running with warm beers in hand and fishnets falling off! 

Trail led us to the bar inside Smythesdales very own, Court House Hotel, and more beers were consumed. Someone called ON ON and the bus was filled again, the party was not over yet! 

We continued rolling along, away from Ballarat and landed in my second spiritual home, Linton!!! The publicans' eyes widened as we bombarded them with our looks, our drinking ability and (later) our dance moves. 

Waiting for us a young handsome man stood with a guitar and microphone, silly man didn't know what was coming for him! Photos show evidence of Eagle Rock being played, I have no comments at this time. 

What happens next, not even I could tell you! Beers, wine, and a very sad, soggy, red wine-soaked game of pool. Massive, and I mean MASSIVE, meals at such cheap prices and eventually a bus ride back to Ballarat. (On which Nair might have thrown up into an empty chip bag but nothing has been confirmed yet..) 

In summary, we all had such a lovely and spook-tastic evening. Big 'Thank Yous" to our lovely GM, Teflon, and his gaggle of amazing helpers. We are so lucky to have you all, the work you all put into Sov Hash does not go unnoticed. 

ON ON Pink Bits 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Run #2224 (21 Oct 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2224 SOS from Home!!! 

We started the circle with an announcement from our beloved GM about the upcoming bus trip. He then noticed the TWO virgins in our presence! Jack and Jess joined the hashes we were welcoming back, Quick Dick, Head Hunter, Dim Witt, Emma, SOS and Sharfted. 

We turned to Pus Bucket as he was mourning the sad passing of Liam Payne, we must get around the man as his heart may never recover. 

Our GM then called upon the new Nannies of Hash, massive congratulations to Num Num and Rowdy as they welcomed new grandbabies into their lives. 

Num Num stayed out on the floor to screw SOS, what a lucky man! 

Nummy claims there was no friction due to the small size. A few little hills and no slips. 6/6 

"Fuck the properties of Teflon!?"

Bent Nose slipped his way into the circle to make a lot of noise. 

The hasher, formally known as Tahlia, will now be known as GeniTahlia! 

Next week's run is a mystery! 


Run #2223 (14 Oct 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2223 Immaculate Conception and Ms Dickhead from Golden Point Cricket Club Rooms - The Pink Dress Run! 

This week, Sov Hash3 raised approximately $300 for the McGrath Foundation! Wonderful effort team!!! 

Sadly I took no notes this week, so this scribe is all hypothetical: 

The GM said, "Welcome Back", people had beers, and Campaspe screwed as NumNum was away. The Seargent stepped up and said many, many things. 

Next Weeks Run: SOS from Home. 


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Run #2222 (7 Oct 2024)

Welcome to Run #2222 Rowdy from 5 Ways 

We began the circle with our lovely GM, Teflon, calling upon some significant runs this week. 

Road Runner (the new one) - 2 

Tahlia - 12 

Pink Bits - 123 

Campaspe - 222!!! 

Our GM, Teflon, then went on to say something about how the meaning of life is '42' and that Sov Hash has been hashing for 42 years. Therefore, the meaning of life is actually Hash. But I was either too sober to understand, or Teflon was too sober to make sense!

We then welcomed back some hashers, 

Hash Puppies, Big Dog, Disco, Deep Heat, Donuts (and Evie).

I stepped up to the plate to screw Rowdy for this run while Num Num was MIA. 

Hydrophobic - The run was very gay, much like the hare and myself,

Friction - Lots of roots, according to Vanessa and Campaspe,

Water Resistant - puddles for me to balance beam across like a toddler in gymnastics,

Chemical Inertness - was only Cinderella attacked?

Non-Stick - Lots of sticks *gestures at sticks on the ground*

Heat Resistant - Started cold and wet, ended hot and steamy. Just like good sex! 


We then noted the effort of hashers who dressed up for the exciting occasion, lots of Tutus, some even doubled up!!! Down downs for Mountie, Nut Cracker, Shaz and Spencer Hocking for their standout effort this week. 

I then noted that Bent Nose stepped up to 'be funny...maybe?' so we can all assume how that went! He said something about cricket (boo!!) and then called upon our Hashy Birthdays for the week, Dumb n' Dumber, Rowdy, Nair and Tahlia. 

Next week's run: Pink Dress Run!! Immaculate Conception and Ms Dickhead from the Golden Point Cricket Club Rooms.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Run #2221 (30 Sep 2024)

Welcome to Run #2221 Bent Nose from The Bunch of Grapes Hotel 

We started the circle by welcoming back a bundle of hashers: 

Toppy, Candida, Her Vag, Road Runner, Pebbles and Emma! 

We had two more Committee shirts arrive by snail mail this week and those were handed out to Ms Dickhead and Lois Lane. 

We then called upon the lovely Hash Screw, Num Num, to judge Bent Nose for his run.

She claimed that the run was boutique, much like Bent Nose but she wasn't sure if it was a Teflon Run or not... 

Non Stick- we stuck to the run that was set, 

Low water absorption - no rain but maybe a little Jew... Tommy half a bar claims it was a very little Jew! 

Chemical Inertness - No one was attacked, that we noticed. 

Heat Resistant - No comment noted...whoops 

Low Friction - No comment noted...whoops 

Hydrophobic - Did we repeal something?

6/6! Yipee!

Bent Nose came out to Seargent his crew of misfits. He said something about the AFL Grand Final and silence fell the circle. Who knows what happened after that! 

Next Weeks Run: Rowdy from 5 Ways! Day Light Savings starts!!! Run 2222, wear your tutus! 


Monday, October 14, 2024

Run #2220 (23 Sep 2024)

Welcome to run #2220 Teflon from the Grapes! 

We started the circle this week by welcoming Road Runner, a new Road Runner, a different type of Road Runner! Road Runner from Brunei!!! He typically runs three hash runs a week and has over 2000 runs! When asked, he claims Max made him cum. Unsure if that was DnC (the sexy lady) or Max (the 18-year-old boy). Either way! Welcome to Sov Hash!!! 

Welcome back to Wee Problem, Max, Tahlia and Dan. 

Num Num came out to screw our lovely GM, we assume this run is a Teflon run, we let Nummy decide. 

Non-stick -  was slippery to start.

Water resistant - no rain!

Low friction - New Road Runner stuck to the run, leading the pack. 

Chemical inertness - we found where's Wally on the run and didn't touch him, no attacking Wally.

Heat resistant - Max got HOT on the run! 

Spencer Hocking stepped up to Sargent, the standard has dropped.

The hasher, formally known as Max, will forever be called Nair. 

Next weeks run: Bent Nose from BOG

Run #2219 (16 Sep 2024)

 Welcome to run #2219 Lois Lane and Pauline from Home! 

We started the circle with new Committee Shirts!!!! Only for some, others are on their way. 

The circle welcomed back a gaggle of hashers, 

Spencer Hocking, Ms Dickhead, Furgy, Bent Nose, BP, Her Vag and FOP. 

We called upon the Birthday Babes and sang FOP (51) and Cinderella (20), a Hashy Birthday song. 

Num Num came out front to screw Lois and Pauline, all the same height, I suspect... she assessed the run against the properties of Teflon. 

Non-Stick - Cinderella said that no one stuck to the run,

Water-resistant - no rain, even when we wore the wet weather gear,

Heat-resistant - Fucking Freezing!!!

Chemical inertness - 'I forget what that means...' 

Hydrophobic - "I forget what that means too!!!" 

Low Friction - nobody fell 


We sang down down down, and then the GM took the floor to award a long-awaited trophy. SS wore his Shit House Run of the Year (2023) with pride! 

Our Sergeant came forward, but all his charges had been written on his other shirt.

Next week's run: 

Renob Footy Theme! 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Run #2218 (9 Sep 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2218 NutCracker and Dnc from the North Britt Hotel

Welcome back to SOS, Dan, Tahlia, Donuts, MasterBait, Juz Cum, Fang, and Pebbles.

Num Num came out to screw the ladies and decide if the run had the properties of Teflon. 

Non-Stick - The banana flour was nonstick!

Low-fricktion - noone fell over 

Nummy fucked off the rest of the properties and said it's all right, just like the run was! On right, on right and ON RIGHT! 

6/6 the board is becoming more and more obsolete, and still, no one knows what Chemical Interness is!? 

Rowdy stepped up to Seargent with only 30 minutes' notice but made do... He called for funny things before the run, funny things during the run, AND funny things after the run... How needy!!! 

Next Weeks Run: Pauline and Lois Lane from Home!


Run #2217 (2 Sep 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2217 Campaspe from the Park Hotel

The circle started with the GM calling Emma, Max, Doodle Nuts and Dumb and Dumber forwards and asking the remaining Hashers what this group has in common...? 

Emma, 4 runs

Max, 4 runs

Doodle Nuts, 14 runs

Dumb and Dumber, 1400 runs!! What an amazing effort, team! 

We then welcomed a bunch of people, 

Precious, Vanessa, Num Num, Dumb and Dumber, Sharfted, Rear Entry, Carpet Burns and Snags. 

Num Num stayed out the front to screw Campaspee. Nummy reminded us how Campaspee was named for her soggy, flowing qualities, but due to our Campaspee's hobbies, she may also be similar to the other famous Campaspee, a concubine! 

On to the run:

Non-stick - lots of slipping, but no falls! 

Heat Resistant - Cold AF! 

Hydrophobic - some of us got soggy,

Low Water Absorption - NutCracker was wet, but apparently, that is usually the case! 

Low Friction - No sex on the trail, that Nummy noticed.

Chemical Inertness - Swans tried to attack, but no luck.


Rowdy came forward as acting Seargent and said some funny things. 

Notes for the diary, Mitti Weekend is 23/24 Nov and will be Mexican Theme!!! YAY!

The circle was ended with our lovely GM thanking everyone for the efforts while he was away.

Next week's run: 

North Britt Hotel, DnC and Nutcracker <3

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Run #2216 (26 Aug 2024)

 Welcome to run #2216 Immaculate Conception and Max from the Bunch of Grapes. 

The circle started with some thank yous from the returned GM. Teflon wanted to thank the stand-in GMs, Precious, Shafted and Rowdy. The stand-in Hash Cash, Mountie and someone. The Stand in Chior Matser Pauline. The stand-in Screw, Pink Bits and everyone else who helped out, with only a moment's notice!

We welcomed back Campaspe, GILF and Teflon. 

Pink Bits screwed the run, she said something brilliant, too intelligent to be put into words even, but I will try to summarise. 

After taking a poll, the walk was said to be well lead. According to Normal... 

Rowdy and Pigs Arse told me the run was well set, although they took a big detour. 

Mountie then came forwards to Sargent around, she started off strong charging the returning GM as well as any visiting GMs (Teflon and Juz Cum).

We had charges before, during, and after the run. I promise we did! 

Next Week's run: Campaspe from The Park Hotel 


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Run #2215 (19 Aug 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2215 Rear Entry (set by Pus Bucket?!) from the Ballarat Bowls Club 

The circle started with a Football Joke, which I didn't understand. For that Bent Nose, Lois Lane, Normal and Pigs Arse took a charge for that. 

Then someone questioned the morals of the hare, as trial was set by Pus Bucket. Apparently, the Last Man standing night was successful and we found out Rear Entry was not the Last Man standing and he had a tumble. Hence he paid Pus Bucket to take over for him in setting a very good run. 

The circle welcomed back Big Dog, Wendy, Pigs Arse and the Happy Honeymooners Nutbush and NutCracker! 

NutBush stayed out the front and screwed whoever was the official hare. Nutbush made a very good point asking when was the last time a hare paid off someone to set a run?! SHAME SHAME! 


Bent Nose then came forward and I forgot to keep listening... Until..... 

The christening! Wendy once known as Wendy, is now Hash Puppy! 

Next Week's Run; Immaculate Conception from the Bunch of Grapes on Pleasent Street

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Run #2214 (12 Aug 2024)

Welcome to run #2214 DoodleNuts from Grapes on Grant (Virgin Hare!)

The stand-in GM, Shafted, started the circle this week by asking if anyone had any significant runs. Lois Lane, still looking fresh and relaxed after her trip, had some information to share...

SIGM: "Lois Lane, how many runs does it say in the book..?"

LL: "Fifteen thousand and twenty-six."

There was much cheering

BN: " Hellooo, I have the shirt to prove it. Gestures

Ms D: "Fifteen THOUSAND?!" 

Thank God Lois is back to look after us all! 

Then, Rear Entry came out to sing a silly song, and he knew almost all the words! Yellow and Black! 

Tahlia brought our virgin out for GM to fondle. The virgin who originally claimed she 'can't' drink beer... we will fix that! My good Doctor, Rowdy, told the virgin that everyone at Hash has had Pink Bits make them cum in one way or another, and the sad look on dear Immaculate Conceptions's face was truly too much to handle :( So his mother gave him a charge. 

Rowdy was then called upon to screw the Virgin Hare, so many virgins tonight!!! That's what happens when Precious leaves the state I guess... 

Doodle Nuts claimed that she couldn't take all the credit as she had some support. Or in her words, "was forced to"... Rowdy said this was the best-set run he has ever been to on Hash, or maybe just the best run he can remember in his old age. Who's to say!

We went up, up, up to the top of every hill in town, and then stumbled back down. The runners were amazed when Squizzy knew the way home on the run and when young man Dan was searching for the HH, while standing on top of the HH :( 

Rowdy screwed 6/6 

Bent Nose came forward to Sargent around the place, he had something to say about NZ v. Aus in the Olympics, of which Ms D stole his punchline. Immaculate Conception said something that could have been funny but was not. We had charges before the run, during the run, and after the run. You will have to, believe me, everything was gold! 

Next week's (tomorrow's) run: Rear Entry from the Ballarat Bowles Club (Havelock Street) The one near the Eastern Oval. 


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Run # 2213 (5 Aug 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2213 SS from the Park Hotel 

Precious stood in for Teflon as GM. He decided to take inspiration from the wonderful GMs from his past starting the circle in the wise words of Fascinator. 

We welcomed back: 

Louis Lane and Pauline, Half-a-Bar, Donuts (who according to my records was here last week...?) and Carpet Burns! 

Our stand-in screw was a man who was not scheduled to run in the Olympics anytime soon, Bad Hair Day! 

BDH started the screw with "I believe the run..." which wasn't the strongest start. Nonetheless, the Gold Metel was awarded to Quick Dick, Silver to Mountie and Bronze to the stand-in GM, Precious. 

The Sergeant, Bent Nose, was told to keep it brief, and that he did. 

Normal was called a cunt, Squizzy tried to one-up his last visit to the Park, IC wasn't funny... all the classic circle events. 

Next Weeks Run will be DoodleNuts at Grapes on Grant Street


Monday, August 5, 2024

Run #2212 (29 Jul 2024)

 Welcome to run #2212 CHRISTMAS! IN! JULY! RUN! 

We started by welcoming back: Plucker, Pebbles, Sharfted, Rear Entry and Donuts as Rowdy sang us some Christmas tunes! 

Precious was called out by our lovely GM, Teflon, to congratulate the young hasher for 300 Runs at the ripe age of 25! Ms D claims he was never breastfed at Hash but pretty close. 

Num Num came out to screw Dumb and Dumber as he was the committee rep to set trial, Nummy tested the run against the properties of Teflon: 

Low Water Absorption - yes, except for the lake...

Heat Resistant - lots of heat was made while running and the attires helped us stay warm and look cute.

Low Friction - No one had a fall, not even Cinderella!

Hydrophobic - no one was homophobic. 

Chemical Inertness - No attacks, not even swans. 

Nummy was extra impressed that Dumb made us all arrive at the Drink Stop together, been a while since Nummy watched us all come at the same time. 

The rest of the circle was filled with fun, laughter, Rowdy's songs and chaos. You had to be there to see it! 

The following week's run was SS from the Park Hotel... which was last night because I forgot to upload this in time... whoops! 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Run #2211 (22 Jul 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2211 Cinderella/ Randolph from The Cattle Yard Inn

The circle started by welcoming Max, the virgin, and Joy-Bell and Steam - Shoes (who has ran ‘around 2034 runs with Peninsula Hash!) 

Num Num came forwards to do her thang, 

Non Stick - Hare stick to the front of the pack, not thinking about the rest of us at all! 

Hydrophobic - Plenty of water on the ground but no rain! 

Low friction - No falling while on trail but virgin Max did jump a fence, his own fence, to get a beer mid run. 

Chemical Inertness - We tried to attack the hare (who was up the front) with very little success. 

Low Water Absorption - Minimal marking on trail, possibly because of the water underfoot. But surely you should have access to plenty of chalk with a teacher as a mother?! 

4/6 booooo

Very low 

Then the lovely Bent Nose stepped into the circle, dressed in his fancy Sargent fit and called upon young Carpet Bags, or Burns. No one knows! Apparently she is desperate for hares, so desperate that she was seen humping Normal in hopes of a favour. 

Our GM, Teflon, had been praying to SS, the Religious Advisor this week for the safe return of the Book. SS came through and brought her home. 

I was told Nummy is very excited to take that box home now! And Spencer Hocking claims that Rats Arse has a bigger one at home. 

Someone noticed that Oscar Piastri was present at circle, and then a sporting joke was made… 

Someone dobbed Normal in for being a cunt on trail and not calling correctly, but I wasn’t surprised! 

Disco was charged for putting darts in his head like our pub mates, Mountie was charged for drinking too much. But that does feel a bit hypocritical at hash… 

Carpet Burns and Doodle Nuts were charged for only walking 600 meters, Nut Bush and Nut Cracker were charged for being DILDO’s (Double income, little dog owners). And Vanessa was charged for claiming she’s cutting back her drinking, then jumping right into the drink stop.  

Next Weeks Run  

Christmas in July from the Den (City Oval Club Rooms!) 

Dress in your best!  


Friday, July 19, 2024

Run #2210 (15 Jul 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2210 Spartacus from Irish Murphy’s

We welcomed back Hashers: 

Puss Bucket, Nurse Batshit and Dr Death.  

The Seated Circle welcome Num Num out to screw,

The Run was non stick because normal was our leader and he walked us into a Massage Parlour, thank god no one screamed!

It was bloody cold, Heat Resistant for sure!

We had no Chemical Attacks while exploring Time Zone.

Lots of Water, must be Hydrophobic. 

6 out of FUCKING 6.

After the Screw we all looked to our Sargent who did not have one fucking charge from the run. SHAME! So Nummy stole his thunder, she reminded us how when the old men of hash entered the Massage Parlour, they were back out within 10 seconds… interesting that…?

The circle sang to the pair of 25 year olds, then i drank some more… 

I have memory of the Richmond Theme Song… Rear Entry Must have been around. 

I was on the floor. 

Next Weeks Run Cinderella/ Randolph from Cattle Yards. 


Run # 2209 (8 Jul 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2209 Ms Dickhead from The Royal Mail Hotel 

The circle began with GM telling us all to form a cue before Carpet Burns, she has plenty of holes needing to be filled. 

Please let her know what runs you can hare, she is getting desperate!  

Num Num was chomping at the bit to screw Ms D: 

Non stick - Dog shit on trail, was it Big Dog? Who’s to say? 

Moist conditions led to low water absorption, 

Low friction - the dog shit made it grippy 

Heat Resistant - So god damn cold, but Teflon is also resistant to freezing, lucky us!  

Boner would have walked further if he wasn’t getting so wet - Low water Absorption 

I forget the rest! 


We welcomed back hashers:  

Bent Nose, BP, Spartacus, Donuts, Spencer Hocking.

We also acknowledged the passing of Bent Noses mum, we are all behind you xx 

I had too much fun during this circle, so you’ll never know what went down.

In place of a failed attempt of a Mystery Bus Trip, we will have a Christmas in July run July 29th, keep your eyes posted.  


Run #2208 (1 Jul 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2208 Pink Bits and Vanessa from the Flying Horse 

We started with welcome backs, 

Plucker, Wendy, Big Dog, Her Vag, FOP, and Pebbles. 

GM gave his sad announcement that the Mystery bus Trip that had been penciled in for 29/7 is now canceled. But a new and better trip is being planned!

The circle took a moment to remember Heavy who we lost 9 years ago before Num Num came forwards to screw me!

Non Stick - Didn’t stick to the trail and got lost, 

Low friction - slowing down moving objects Mountie went over some humps, my lovely lady lumps and slowed her down, 

Heat resistant - no heat out there at all!  

Chemical intentness - someone by the name of Rodger took a few of the younger hash people off to the side, did a piss with them, attacking them with piss? It was Hydrophobic, Homophobic it was RODGER! Lucky no one got attacked, no one got Rodgered.  

Low Water Absorption - Everyone is wet!  


The stand in Sargent had some funny thing to say but i had already had a charge by this time so my notes are worse than usual (and they are usually bad!) 

Wendy, Doodle Nuts and Disco all don’t know how to swing low. Then Wendy showed us all her premature drinking trick.

Big Dog become a dog dad, Mountie used her old person card for a discounted meal, I was finally able to lose Boner/Renob on trail, and Campaspe was a kiss ass by driving Rowdy home.   

Someone made a sports person reference abut Daicos brothers, but we have Dickhead brothers here, I am so confused! 

Keeper of the Book or GM fucked up again, none noticed Head Hunters 250 Runs or Immaculate Conceptions 125. SHAME! 

Nutsy fell for the classic stitch up, again… 

Next Weeks Run will be Ms Dickhead from The Royal Mail Hotel Sebas. 


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Run #2207 (24 Jun 2024)

Welcome to run #2207 Committee run from The Bunch of Grapes. 

We welcomed Juz Cum, Spartacus, Tahlia, Daniel back and let them drink with our virgin, Michael. 
The Sargent then asked the circle who’s significant run it was… apparently it was a huge number… a hash man… who we all loved and respected… 
By then we all knew it wasnt Bent Nose, so it must have been SS! 1900 RUNS!!! 

Teflon had the maths prepared: 
SS had ran 1900 runs in just over 41 years.
First run was run #8 on 30 May 1983. 
Attendance rate 86%(1900/2207)
If SS had an average of 3 beers at each hash night he would have consumed 5700 stubbies or 2137 litres of beer. 
If SS had run/walked a conservative average of 4 kms at each hash he would have travelled over 7600 kms just at Ballarat hash nights.
(equivalent to Sydney to Perth- and back again)
SS and the oldies of Hash spent some time retailing stories from the 80’s, and hash runs from the beginning. We also all got a shock to find out the story of SS’s name,which is not originally SS?! If you want to know, come along for SS’s 2000th run! 

Num Num came out to screw Disco and Precious (This screw has the lowest average age so far!)
Precious was quick to remind Num that Disco had set all the ‘bad bits’ which must have included the dead possum. 
Low Friction - The possum didn’t chase anyone 
Heat Resistant - SS (Sunshine Slit) is here, but there was no sunshine! 
Chemical Inertness - The possum was not likely to attack 
Hydrophobic - No water!
Non-stick - Num was the only one to trip (was she pushed?)
Everyone was able to find trail easily, except for Boner/ Renob who was keeping in theme and moonwalking the trail like he was still in the 80’s.
16/6 (Who knows why?)

The only thing to note I have listed was the naming of our virgin, son of Vanessa. 
The man formally known as Michael, is now a hash man known as Deakin. 
We are all very proud to have SS in our club, you are a good hash man SS. Can’t wait to see you make 2000 runs. 

Next weeks run (tomorrow)
Pink Bits and Vanessa from Flying Horse Bistro! (You should all know what the dress code is…? PINK)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Run #2206 (17 Jun 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2206 Mountie from Mt. Xavier Golf Club 

The circle started by reflecting on the past week, the committee had a midweek meeting to plan exciting events for the coming year (details to come!) and our lovely GM has proposed a new award!! The Brownlow of Blockheads will be awarded on Brownlow night, votes will be collected and collated weekly. So everyone better be on their best, or worse, behaviour until then!. 

Campaspe received her 200 run vest, as we all forgot her during the AGM :( 

Num Num came forwards to screw Mountie and we all got very excited! 

Low Friction: its a golf course, plenty of people almost ended up in holes. 

Low Water Absorption: Thank god there was no water in those holes!

Heat Resistant: Everyone got frost bite, brrrrr. 

Chemical Inertness: The front runners were attacked by a kangaroo

Non Stick: Cinderella fell, twice… 

Hydrophobic: Homophobic… Cinderella fell twice! 

6/6 yay! 

All hashers with alliterative names were charged, there goes all the beer.  

Immaculate Conception has been known for telling bad jokes every week but is now taking on the role of fortune teller, as he predicked Cinderellas great falls. 

Campaspe was charged for curing cancer or something…? 

Mountie was charged for her DNF and her fall, didn’t bounce like Cinderella did. 

Rowdy also DNF but was less funny. 

GM Teflon and GILF were charged for doing the nasty for 10 years! 

Precious was charged for his multitasking skills of being fill in grog master, and being funny! 

Spencer Hocking has stoped caring about numbers so i charged him and his palindromic friends, 123 runs for Immaculate Conception, 444 runs for GILF and 50 runs for Cinderella.

At this point Renob returned, yay! 

Next weeks run, Committee Run! Bunch of Grapes on Pleasant Street. 80’s theme for SS’s 1900th run! 

Pencil it in: July 29 mystery bus tour, details to come