Saturday, August 24, 2024

Run #2215 (19 Aug 2024)

 Welcome to Run #2215 Rear Entry (set by Pus Bucket?!) from the Ballarat Bowls Club 

The circle started with a Football Joke, which I didn't understand. For that Bent Nose, Lois Lane, Normal and Pigs Arse took a charge for that. 

Then someone questioned the morals of the hare, as trial was set by Pus Bucket. Apparently, the Last Man standing night was successful and we found out Rear Entry was not the Last Man standing and he had a tumble. Hence he paid Pus Bucket to take over for him in setting a very good run. 

The circle welcomed back Big Dog, Wendy, Pigs Arse and the Happy Honeymooners Nutbush and NutCracker! 

NutBush stayed out the front and screwed whoever was the official hare. Nutbush made a very good point asking when was the last time a hare paid off someone to set a run?! SHAME SHAME! 


Bent Nose then came forward and I forgot to keep listening... Until..... 

The christening! Wendy once known as Wendy, is now Hash Puppy! 

Next Week's Run; Immaculate Conception from the Bunch of Grapes on Pleasent Street

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