RUN #2050, 30 AUGUST 2021
Due to Victoria’s ongoing covid lockdowns, we are again limited by our covid safe settings with a weekend trail and Monday night zoom hash circle. Trail was set from the Lake View Hotel by Rowdy, for those that lived nearby. Others completed their own trail within their current 5km exercise limit.
24 Hashers then gathered for the zoom hash circle Monday night. We began by acknowledging Glider’s anniversary and all raised a glass in his memory.
Mountie then went on to Shag the run and gave the following scores, Venue 20 (it was close to home for Mountie), Terrain 5 (no hills), Marking 5 (chalk was a bit light), Drink Stop 0 (no drink stop), Groovy Factor 20, giving a total of 50 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Criss Cross was then charged for describing an address by the building that used to be there and BF#2 was charged for her resemblance to an Auslan Interpreter. Teflon was also charged for calling us Mexicans in his Facebook post. This was followed by general discussion about names for residents of different states, seems many states call others Mexicans.
Pauline then took advantage of a lull in conversation to talk about next week’s run. Due to impending inclement weather, trail will be set on Tuesday from the Eyre St side of the Redan Footy Club at the Western Oval. There will also be a collect and move on DS on Wed, Thu and Sat (see Facebook post for more info). This will allow some hashers to complete trail before the weekend weather turn to shit.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 6 September 2021, Hare: Pauline – Location: Western Oval (Eyre St side) or Self Set Trail #4
Exit then arrived and we again raised our glasses in memory of Glider. Exit explained that she was late to the zoom because she was talking on the phone to Half-a-bar. There was then discussion of the wine that she has in barrels and talk of a bottling day sometime down the track when we can travel again. There was to have been a memorial for Glider next month, but this has been postponed and we will try to have a memorial in February next year, around the time of Glider’s birthday. There was discussion about doing something on 22/2/22 but this could be difficult for some as it is a Tuesday??? Mrs D and Exit then discussed payment transfer options for Gliders nash hash rego. I’m sure they will sort it out eventually.
Rowdy then charged Normal (who wasn’t there) for posing like Kathmandu catalogue model in his Facebook posts and for not checking Facebook posts or emails before asking for details about the next hash trail.
BP was charged for going through menopause twice, this related to her sitting in a singlet on a cold Ballarat evening. We then finished up with a few quick jokes by Dim Wit, Bent Nose and Fascinator before zoom timed out.
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