RUN #2049, 23 AUGUST 2021
Due to Victoria’s covid lockdown #7 (or is it #6.2?), we have again reverted to our covid safe settings with a weekend trail and Monday night zoom hash circle. Trail was set from the Ballarat East Bowls Club by Mountie on behalf of Rear Entry, for those that lived nearby. From the book (thanks Juz Cum) 27 Ballarat Hashers walked/ran this trail, or their own trail within their current 5km exercise limit.
23 Hashers then gathered for the zoom hash circle Monday night. We began by thanking our zoom correspondent from Queensland, Spencer Hocking for missing out on joining the local Queensland hash and choosing to set up and join our hash zoom instead. Next, we congratulated Nutcracker for becoming a grandmother. She was then called Granny Cracker and GILF#2 throughout the evening.
Mountie then tried to tell a joke about Rear Entry but her zoom kept breaking up and most of us missed the punchline so it didn’t get many laughs. Mountie then went on to Shag the run and gave the following scores, Venue 20, Terrain 20, Marking 20, Drink Stop -10, Groovy Factor 5, giving a total of 55 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Rowdy then charged BF#2 and BF#4 for failing to sing. Spencer Hocking was announced as stand in Sergeant which was followed by a call for “no maths” which was somewhat ignored by Spence who went on to say that Nutcracker became a grandmother on 21 – 8 – 21 which is of course a palindrome. We were then told that 21 and 8 form the digit sum of 11 and then there was something about legs 11 to which Nuts told us that her granddaughter does have long legs. All platinum blond grandparents were then charged.
Give us an A
Teflon was then charged for his first day of retirement, where he told us that he had been busy mowing the lawn and taking a nap.
Get a Life 

Head Hunter then told us all about her recent surgery. She had been diagnosed with a tumour on her heart valve back in June following some health issues and recently underwent open heart surgery in Melbourne to remove the benign tumour. The surgery went well, and she is now recovering at home. She was grateful that the set trail was within her 5km allowing her to do 10 minutes of the trail (this is all that she can currently manage). She also mentioned that the tumour was probably the cause of her stroke aver 20 years ago, so it was good to now have a cause for that, especially as it has now been removed. We wish her well and hope her recovery continues to go well.
Rowdy then charged Bent Nose for ignoring Stubby when he was out riding his bike.
He’s the meanest
This was followed by a joke from Dumb, but he stuffed it up using the wrong name for the punchline “Come on Eileen” making it even funnier. SS was then charged for only being able to play 17 holes of golf before the 1pm lockdown last Saturday.

Mrs D then charged Campaspe with a challenge to use an adjective and an adverb of the same word, as was done in last weeks scribe that was written by her Precious. But you know what, I do it my way and that’s how it is. Each to their own. We were then told to take note of the Galah posted on FaceBook. Pauline then charged BP for being predictable and calling Lois within 5 min of our most recent lockdown being announced. We then moved on to a joke from Dim Wit about a frog DNA test that showed French, German and a tad-pole.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 30 August 2021, Hare: Rowdy – Location: Lakeview Hotel or Self Set Trail #4
We then finished up with what was pre-empted as an inappropriate joke from BF#2, but is anything at Hash really inappropriate? The joke asked why are the Paralympics like a hand job….with both you appreciate the effort but you could do better yourself. Spencer then added his joke, why did Rear Entry cross the road…..he had his dick in a chicken.
Pauline than offered to cook a Hangi once we are out of lockdown. He was adamant that he would not do it from his home and asked if Fascinators backyard renovations would allow for the pit to be dug there? At this point zoom timed out so we will have to wait and see where and when this will take place.
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