RUN #2053, 20 SEPTEMBER 2021
So…Ballarat was back in lockdown for a week, but with the 10km exercise limit, we were not as restricted, so many of us were able to reach the trail set by SS from the Millers Arms Hotel. The trail traversed the hills of Ballarat North and included the cemetery, where there was an exhibition from the Ballarat International Foto Biennale. Memorials of past hashers and family members were also visited by many hashers and we again gathered on Monday night for the zoom hash circle.
19 Hashers gathered for the zoom hash circle Monday night. We began with Mountie shagging SS’s run. The following scores were given, Venue 15, Terrain 20 (lots of hills), Marking 17, Drink Stop 0, Groovy Factor 12, giving a total of 64 out of 100.
Soldier Song 

Spencer Hocking, as acting Sergeant, began by imparting his wisdom to Teflon saying that now that he is retired, he should never listen to his wife. Spence wishes that he hadn’t listened, so that he would still be in Queensland. Gilf was then harassed for her self-inflicted haircut, so she spent most of the session just out of camera. We then moved on to Hashy Birthdays and birthday wishes were sent to Gilf and Head Hunter (she wasn’t there, so Mrs D will do).
Hashy Birthday 

Sniffy runs were then mentioned and included Mrs D 686, SS 1789, Penny Farthing 707 and Quick Dick 171 (this might have been a few weeks ago).
Get a Life
All the people who have been or are in quarantine awaiting COVID testing, were then charged (Mountie, D&C, Louis, Pauline and BP.
20 Toes 

NBCL then charged Num Num for something about the CFMEU and Dumb charged Mountie for knowing too many people in the Ballarat Cemetery.
She Ought to Be
Teflon then charged Spencer for his dyslexia and mixing up 717 with 171.
Your Stupid
Mrs D charged SS for the large-scale photos of his arsehole and Vibes’ tits and Mountie charged Num Num for not submitting her list to their book club.
She’s the meanest 

There was then discussion about Monday having exactly 12 hours of daylight to which Dim Wit gave us his joke about the similarity between Cher and Ballarat, neither is F#@King Sunny! Teflon then charged D&C for looking like she was riding a bike. We then moved on to discuss upcoming Sniffy runs from Nutcracker (200) Pebbles (600) and the Bill (1700).
Pauline announced that the upcoming Hangi has been postponed due to ongoing covid restrictions and although some suggested that if it was a marriage, then that would allow more people to attend, there were no takers from any of the unmarried couples.
We finished up with a few offers for next week’s run, however, the trail master has now posted details for next weeks run. Trail will be set by Spencer Hocking from Yuille Station Park and will be set by 11am Sunday with a DS between 2.30-4.30 Sunday. While we are out of lockdown, Num Num has requested that you make sure you abide by all current COVID restrictions ... mask up, groups of up to 10, social distancing ... and get vaccinated.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 27 September 2021, Post Lockdown 8 & Grand Final Recovery Run, Hare: Spencer Hocking – Location: Yuille Station Park, off Vickers St, Sebastopol
We finished off with some footy chat and the song
It’s a Grand Old Flag

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