RUN #2052, 13 SEPTEMBER 2021
Well…while we were briefly out of lockdown, the restrictions still did not allow for us to gather on Monday night, so Pebbles set a weekend trail from the Wendouree Train Station, and we again gathered on Monday night for the zoom hash circle.
23 Hashers gathered for the zoom hash circle Monday night. We started arse about with chat about next week’s run. Trail will be set by SS from the Millers Arms Hotel (Cnr Doveton St Nth and Howard St, Soldiers Hill). Trail will be set by lunchtime on Friday and the new lockdown 10km exercise limit (starting on Saturday) should allow for more Hashers to be able to reach this trail over the weekend.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 20 September 2021, Hare: SS – Location: Millers Arms Hotel, Soldiers Hill (depending upon covid restrictions)
Spencer then informed us that Exit had broken her wrist after tripping over her cat and Rowdy charged Teflon for looking like a thespian.
Mountie then went on to tell a couple of Dad jokes and Shag the run. The following scores were given, Venue 5, Terrain 5 (no hills), Marking 0 (she completed trail on Monday and all arrows had been washed away), Drink Stop 0, Groovy Factor 10, giving a total of 20 out of 100.
Shitty Trail
Mountie also requested to be able to remove 10 points from last weeks screw as she missed a drink at one drink stop during one of her runs.

Spencer Hocking was announced to be acting Sergeant, again and Lois Lane then charged Pebbles for setting trail with a lack of imagination. Fascinator then charged Pauline & BP for being oblivious on trail.
They Ought to be 

Exit was charged for falling over her cat after a few drinks after her last Hash zoom, but she was only drinking water tonight.
Do your tits hand low
Bent Nose then charged Dumb for bad hearing with a joke about mistaking symptoms for Simpson’s and Exit was charged again with a story about Digit Digester who broke both her arms during Ballarat Nash Hash.
She’s a Harriette 

There was then a general enquiry about the wellbeing of Head Hunter and her recovery from surgery. Dumb reported back that he had seen her and she appeared to be doing well.
Donuts then charged everyone for seemingly keeping in time during our rendition of Shitty Trail but then being absolutely terrible for the following songs.
BF#2 then charged Rowdy for being critical of her Paralympic joke several weeks ago. Not only can she not run a marathon in under 2 hrs 20 min but she is also unable to win a golden slam. Pebbles then charged Louis Pauline BP and Mrs D for being early on trail.
SS then shared his words of wisdom about the upcoming AFL grand final where she shared his thoughts that either side could win but he hopes Melbourne wins. Dumb also thinks that Melbourne will win. This was followed by several impersonations of Half-a Bar predicting the final result with lots of f#@k, f#@k, f#@k about who would f#@king win.
It’s a Grand Old Flag 

Pebbles shared that he used to play for a team with the same colours as Melbourne and they won 4 premiership flags. Pauline then added something about the rugby and Dumb complained about the ticketing arrangements for members at the AFL grand final. Donuts then shared that he had a good footy joke but we didn’t get to hear it before the zoom timed out.
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