RUN #2051, 6 SEPTEMBER 2021
Well, it was yet another week of covid lockdown, where we are still limited by our covid safe settings with a weekend trail and Monday night zoom hash circle. Trail was set from the Western Oval by Pauline and Lois Lane, for those that lived nearby and took us on an 8km journey of past and present hashers. Others completed their own trail within their 5km exercise limit. There was also comments about the lovely views from BF#2’s new neighbourhood.
22 Hashers gathered for the zoom hash circle Monday night. There was some general chit chat while we waited for the screw to log in and we almost started the down downs, but stopped once we were told Mountie arrival was imminent.
Mountie then went on to Shag the run and gave the following scores, Venue 20, Terrain 1 (no hills), Marking 40 (she completed trail 3 times), Drink Stop 20, Groovy Factor 20, giving a total of 101 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Fang then appeared with a grandchild so Dim Wit was called upon for a child friendly joke. “How do you tell the gender of an ant? Put it in water, the one that floats is buoyant”.

Spencer Hocking was welcomed back to Ballarat as our returned from Queensland correspondent and is again the acting Sergeant.
Lois Lane was then inundated with suggestions for further Hash Houses that were missing from her trail. She informed us that she has further versions of this type of trail but could not include everyone as the trail was longer than usual as it was.
SS then charged Bent Nose and BP as the garden reno A team.
Get a Life
Lois Lane also charged Bent Nose and BP for offering their concreters drinks from the Hash esky. Rowdy then complained that he didn’t get a drink, he was offered, but why should that get in the way of a good story. Mrs D then told us that Bent Nose and BP had stayed with Pauline and Lois during previous renovations so it should be OK to offer their drinks to others. Pauline then charged Fascinator for walking trail in the opposite direction and blaming his dogs.

Spencer Hocking then went on to list some Sniffy runs: Fascinator 193, BP 1246, Mountie 1318, Bent Nose 1423.
Get a Life 

BF#2 was charged for her Paralympic joke from last week, it was pointed out that the marathon was won in an impressive time of 2hrs 21min and the challenge was given, can you beat that! Lois Lane then charged Campaspe for getting lost on trail.
They Ought to Be 

NBCL was charged for coaching his woman’s footy team to be crowned minor premiers for 2021.
We are the Champions
D&C was charged for dressing as a Muslim to get her covid jab at the multicultural centre and Mountie was charged for not looking as good as D&C in a scarf.
You’re Ugly
There were then further comments about Hijab’s and He Jabs, where we were told that Donuts was offering free jabs.

Pauline then talked about the upcoming Hangi at Donuts place on November 5, 6 & 7 – contingent upon covid regulations. There has since been an email and Facebook post with further information.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 13 September 2021, Hare: Pebbles – Location: Royal Mail Hotel, Sebastopol (depending upon covid restrictions).
We were then told that Andy Pobjoy was live on Facebook with music for Mellow Mondays. There was then something about D&C resembling someone off the Block and Rowdy finished up the zoom with a song for Dumb and SS.
It’s a Grand Old Flag 

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