RUN #2045, 26 JULY 2021
Due to Victoria’s covid lockdown #5, we have reverted to our covid safe settings with a weekend trail and Monday night zoom hash circle (thanks to Spencer Hocking). 25 Ballarat Hashers walked/ran their own trail within their current 5km exercise limit and posted it to Facebook.
22 Hashers gathered for the zoom hash circle Monday night. Mountie refused to shag everyone and had nothing to say. It was said that Gladys had f#@ked the country so Mountie should try to screw all the hashers but there was no further comment and no song.
There was mention that the Balls Up had been postponed and D&C was then nominated as acting Sergeant. Charges from before the run went to Dim Wit, who was charged for watching the ladies beach volleyball as we could see his computer screen jiggling around. Pauline was also charged as Mrs D trail went through “Bobs Hole” during her self-set trail and D&C was charged for being kept in the attic during her childhood. It was noted that several trails took in Ballarat’s Olympic Rings and Mrs D and Campaspe put in requests for a hat like Nummy’s.
Num Num is to be congratulated as she and 2 other RN’s have given 750 Covid vaccinations!!! Nutcracker was charged as during the 4x 100 Olympic commentary it was said that it was a “nutcracker of a swim”. Chris Cross then charged Mrs D for having matching furniture, they both have the same set of drawers with a TV on top.
Penny Farthing was charged for reaching 700 runs. While she began hashing back in 1992/1993, she missed a few intervening years before returning. There was then mention of SS’s 80th Birthday next Tuesday and Squizzy’s 50th birthday today. This was followed by some discussion about Steam Shoes who has completed 1000 runs with 3 different hash groups!
Dim wit then provided a joke “What do you call a line of men outside a hairdresser? – A Barber-que”
. Mountie received the final charge for boasting about doing her run with a PB, is that a personal best or Pus Bucket?

Next Week’s Run – Monday 2 August 2021, Hare: D&C – Location: TBA (depending upon Covid restrictions)
Just before we timed out Bent Nose began to congratulate Spencer Hocking but the zoom cut out, so I don’t know what this was about????
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