RUN #2046, 2 AUGUST 2021 – HARE: D&C
Sovereign Hashers gathered at the City Oval Hotel for run 2046 and left in small groups to run or walk the hash trail. An announcement was made that the drink stop was limited to 10 Hashers at a time (Covid restrictions) and the drink stop was packed up before some of us even arrived. Down-Downs and dinner were back at the City Oval Hotel, where we had a double celebrations for SS’s 80th Birthday and Penny Farthings 700 runs. There were balloons aplenty, special shirts awarded and a donuts cake for desert.

Welcomes back went to one of the Hash’s founding fathers, Wilber. Charges were also made to SS and to Penny Farthing, for their milestone events.
Get a Life
Further welcomes back then went to Fog Lights.
Do your tits hang low 

Mountie then shagged the run and gave the following scores, Venue 15 (CO – City Oval and Committee Organized), Terrain 5 (no hills), Marking 2 (Precious only saw 2 of the many arrows), Drink Stop 2 (packed up before all arrived), Groovy Factor 20, giving a total of 44 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Sniffy runs were forgotten during the Hash Circle, but runs of note were: Penny Farthing 700, Big Dog 99, Mountie 1313, Pauline 313, D&C 246 and Teflon 248.
Our Sergeant (Shafted) then stepped up to talk about our 2 celebratory events of the evening. There were comments about more men falling off penny farthings than any other bike and how hard it is to get on a penny farthing. Shafted then found a song about SS in Heavy’s song book that was to the tune of Danny Boy.
Give us an A
A down-down was then also awarded to Vibes, who was SS’s chaperone for the evening.
20 Toes 

Charges from before the run went to the joint GMs who were just like the high jumpers at the Olympics who shared their joint gold medal. Road Runner was also charged for having 5 rings like the Olympics.
They Ought to be
All current and past teachers were then charged as a teacher caused a delay to Fascinators Covid vaccination.
You’re Stupid

There was then something about D&C not being able to mark trail near the fire station and a charge for The Bill who asked if the balloons around Penny Farthings neck were for her birthday, but she is not 700 (the balloons were “700”).
You’re Stupid 

Following the Olympic theme, Pebbles was charged after Nummy couldn’t help but notice which track athlete was going to the left or the right and which nations were more well-endowed than others.
Mrs Murphy 

Lois Lane, Pauline, Bent Nose, BP and Campaspe were charged for sitting during the Hash Circle (but I claim we were following Covid rules).
Build A Bonfire 

Charges from the run went to Road runner, who was charged as the best chaser and Bent Nose was charged for driving to the venue when he lives so close.
Finnish Drinking Song
Nummy was charged for getting lost on trail and not making it to the drink stop before it was packed up and Shafted charged D&C for telling him that Hash was at the Mid City, trying to make him go to the wrong venue. The Bill was then charged for almost falling over and doing a windmill impersonation. Further charges went to Wilber for something about single men.
Soldier Song 

Next Week’s Run – Monday 9 August 2021, Hare: Precious – Location: Market Hotel
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