RUN #2042, 5 JULY 2021– HARE: D&C
Location – Freight Bar
37 Ballarat Hashers signed the book as we gathered at the Freight Bar for run 2042. About 16 of us ventured out on the run which took in the Eureka flag at Bakery Hill where Rowdy led the group on a rendition of
Beneath the Southern Cross
. Soon after that we lost trail and the group lost a few runners who made up their own trail from there on. After finding trail, Campaspe took a tumble but most of us still made it to the drink stop. PS: Xray of hand showed no broken bones

Down Downs started with the welcomes back where there were a crowd of hashers downing their beers, but I didn’t get any names.
fuck of ya cunt 

Mountie then shagged the run and gave the following scores, Venue 15 (appealing venue on Peel St), Terrain 5 (no hills brings the score down), Marking 0 (more council marking than hash trail), Drink Stop was 5 then changed to 10 (cold beer was available this week), Groovy Factor 10 (GMs set the run and Campaspe took a dive), giving a total of 40 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Precious then received a charge for resembling a contestant on Ninja Warrior which was showing on the TV at the Freight Bar.
You’re Ugly
Mountie was then charged for her association with Mair St (Mare?) and Campaspe was charged for needing a break on the run and laying down for a rest. Fascinator was also charged for trying to follow trail on his bike but he returned early as he couldn’t find trail.
They Ought to be 

The GMs were then charged for giving Campaspe a going over but leaving her right hand ok so she was still able to scribe. Bent Nose was charged for completing 1200 runs, then 6 months later also completing 1200 runs. Lois was charged for auditing the run numbers and checking if Jacki was Jacki or Jacqui.
20 Toes 

Sniffy Runs were awarded to NBCL 69 (who refused to stand on his head and drink his beer).
No No No
D&C 242 and Her Vagesty 180.
She’s a Harriette 

Charges from before the run went to all the over 60’s for something about Pfizer and the branding on the beer jug. Rowdy was charged as the Medical Adviser and then if one Dr drinks, all Dr’s drink so Quick Dick and Campaspe joined in.
You’re Stupid 

Campaspe was charged again for attempting to destroy the pavement and Nutcracker and D&C were charged for nearly being in a car accident where D&C was accused of trying to take out Nutcracker and take over as sole GM. All GWS supporters were then charged but because there were none, Shafted you’ll do. The GMs were charged again for getting lost on their own trail but it’s OK they were found “stranded on peel” where Precious was charged for not getting a trim. Pauline and Paul Bearer were charged because if one Paul drinks, all Paul’s drink. Precious received another charge for losing trail and being at butt fuck nowhere.
Mrs Murphy 

Paul Bearer was then charged for losing Plucka’s feathers from his puffer jacket as he walked past a rose bush and Squizzy was charged for being lost and missing the drink stop.
Finnish Drinking Song
Gina was then charged as the only thing stupider than coming once, is coming twice to hash.
Do you tits hang low 

We finished up with the introduction of Shagging charges, for those who are quiet and never get charges. These were given to Penny Farthing, BP, Big Dog and SS.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 12 July 2021, Hare: Lois Lane.
On On : Ballymanus Central Park, Alfredton.
On Ballarat/Carngham Rd, turn right onto Galway Drive, & the Park is at the end of Galway.
On After : Top Eureka.
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