COVID ZOOM #36 & COVID RUN #34 – Austin’s Power Station at Super Cheap Auto opposite Wendouree Village.
21 Hashers ventured out over the weekend and completed the 7.4 km run/walk in Wendouree. 21 Hashers (not necessarily the same ones) also joined the zoom hash circle Monday night.
Welcomes Back included: Pauline and Lois Lane. (I think there were some others from the run but I didn't write them down). Teflon also received happy birthday wishes.
Get a life

Mountie shagged the run and gave the following scores, Venue 0, Terrain 0, Marking 5, Drink Stop 0, Groovy Factor 10, giving a total of 15 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

No Sniffy runs were mentioned and D&C stepped up as stand in Sergeant. Charges from before the run included: Pebbles for the most interesting run he has ever set. This was followed by complaints about the 5km from home COVID exercise limit, making it impossible to set a run that we could all get to.
Build a bonfire – put COVID on the top

On a positive note, a trail in Wendouree West would not have been safe on Monday night in the dark, but was OK in daylight over the weekend. There was also talk of the horticulturally named streets and how some trail was marked under shopping trolleys and discarded washing machines.
NBCL was charged for his face in the newspaper and Lois and Pauline were charged for returning home early in time for lockdown, throwing Mrs D into a tizz as she had to then move her son out of the house-sitting arrangement. Spence, Dumb and Bent were then charged for something about Spencer Silver (the inventer of Post-it Notes) who recently passed away.
You ought to be 

Charges from the run included: Pebbles, for not using enough chalk and for putting a HH in the middle of a street where there were no alternative directions.
Mrs Murphy 

NBCL was charged for his slow internet and Donuts was charged for calling Divo “Macca”. Since Chris Cross’s son is now in lockdown for going to Macca’s. D&C was charged for talking about chandeliers while walking the flower named streets making Nutsy nervous.
She’s a Harriette 

Next Week’s Run – TBA depending upon COVID restrictions
Hare: Chris Cross - details TBA (or there was some discussion of Nutsy setting a run???)
There was lots of discussion about the 5km limit and how to best work within the COVID restrictions, which is now somewhat irrelevant, as this limit is looking likely to be removed in regional Victoria from Thursday midnight. So, I think that we will probably be OK to set a weekend trail (might be best for it to be from a public place as no private gatherings are allowed yet), followed by another zoom Hash, as we are not able to gather on Monday evenings (yet).
Dim Wit was then charged for not talking during the whole zoom meeting, which was followed by his joke about what did Fred Flintstone say getting the COVID jab – Jabba Jabba Doo. 

Lois and Pauline then talked a bit about their travels and the Goondiwindi and Rockhampton Hash Groups. Teflon mentioned the upcoming Bike Hash Winery Tour in Beechworth. Mrs D (RA) finished up with a prayer in this time of hardship, asking the Hash Gods to let us run free.
Sing a Song of Love 

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