Location – Bunch of Grapes Hotel
Following an audit by Lois Lane, this run has been reclassified as run 2039. It seems we were somehow 2 runs ahead of ourselves and have been for a while.
It was lovely to be able to resume Monday night Hash and to be able to celebrate Shafted's 700 runs on the Queen’s Birthday Holiday! He was presented with a commemorative T-Shirt, pewter mug, medal, cake and 7 x 100 balloons.
27 Hashers signed the book and about 12 of us ventured out on the run that took in Queen Victoria St, Victoria Park, Foster St, Quarry Lane and went past the Queen Elizabeth Centre.
Welcomes Back included: Fascinator, Pus Bucket, Head Hunter, Quick Dick, Fop, Her Vagesty, Penny Farthing, Half-a-bar, Bar Licker and Shafted (there may have been more but that is all that I recorded and there was quite a crowd having down downs).
Mountie shagged the run and gave the following scores, Venue 5, Terrain 10, Marking 20, Drink Stop 5, Groovy Factor 2, giving a total of 42 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Lois was then charged for thinking that the flour crowns marking trail were cupcakes.
You’re stupid 

Half-a-bar was then charged for being half-a-corgi, Juz Cum was charged for her shaggy jacket making her look like an old English Sheepdog and then if one dog drinks all dogs drink so Big Dog was called to join in and Penny Farthing (Pat) was also included.
God Save the Queen 

There was a call out to see if there were any Phillips in the room. Fuck Head Phil was mentioned but as Half-a-bar said that he wasn’t here, so he’ll do and he received the down down. There was then mention of Shafted reaching 700 runs and a bunch of stuff about those numbers including digit sums and square roots.
Sniffy runs mentioned included: Shafted 700 (or 007 when read backwards), Teflon 242, Campaspe 80, Lois Lane 950, NBCL 66 and SS 1769.
Finnish Drinking Song 

Charges from before the run went to NBCL who is registered as Nut Licker in the Nash Hash register and since dogs lick their nuts, when one dog drinks all dogs drink so this included, Big Dog, Juz Cum (the sheepdog jacket), Half- a-bar (Half-a-corgi), Pauline (he’s like a Great Dane) and Mountie (she’s like a Jack Russell).
Put your left leg over my shoulder 

Melbourne supporters were then charged for losing to Collingwood when they are the top team on the ladder and Collingwood had just sacked their coach. Mountie was also charged for wasting beer after the drink stop as she was seem pouring it out on her way back to the pub.
Oh when the saints 

Charges from the run went to Mountie, who was charged for attacking a ute that was reversing out of a driveway on the run because she thought it was someone else that she knew. Campaspe, Mrs D, Juz Cum and Mountie were also charged because of something about Fascinator calling them a bunch of Twats
Give us an A 

Next Week’s Run – Monday 21 June 2021, Hare: Campaspe from the Park Hotel.
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