28 Hashers signed the book, but I think there were about 32 who assembled at the Queens Head Hotel for Teflon’s run.
14 Hashers took off on the 5km run once we found where the on on was hiding. While the runners were divided mid run with half of us taking a bit of a short cut, we all then congregated at a very well stocked drink stop along the Yarrowee Trail with a variety of beers, girly drinks, lollies and chips. We then returned to the nearby Queens Head Hotel for down downs and dinner. Dinner was interesting as they ran out of glasses very early on and when I left, some people were still waiting on their food. Luckily I was one of the first to be fed.
Welcomes Back included: Rear Entry, Road Runner and Wee Problem.
They Ought to be Publicly Pissed on 

Sniffycunt runs this week included: Rear Entry 2222, Campaspe 77 and D&C 236.
Campaspe takes it up the…
Further sniffy runs were: Juz Cum 55, Wee Problem 37, GILF 352, Rear Entry (again) 2222 and Dr Death was charged for double charging Rear Entry It’s a Grand Old Flag

Mountie then stepped up to shag the run and gave the following scores, Venue 20, Terrain 5, Marking 5, Drink Stop 10, Groovy Factor 5, giving a total of 45 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

All the Doctors (Dr Rowdy, Dr Campaspe and Dr Death) were charged for rumours surrounding side effects from Astrazeneca vaccination (larger breasts for women and hard ons for men) that Dumb thought were real.
No No No
. NBCL was also charged for the poor GM having to put up with 3 days of cold showers.
Finnish Drinking Song 

Charges from the run were given to Campaspe for finding trail hard to find in the dark, Teflon for not using luminous trail, Juz Cum who nearly went down, Plucka for something about a dead dog and NBCL (not sure why).
20 Toes 

Half-a-bar was then charged for dressing up as Santa (I assume at Christmas time) when he is only the size of an elf and Shafted was charged for his last time in the 600’s (he is on 699 runs). Half-a-bar was charged again for falling off a donkey when dressed as Santa and breaking all the kids presents.
His One Skin

Teflon then received a charge for the run going past Stubby’s place, where he was out on the balcony shouting at us as we ran past and Mrs D (RA) was charged for the rain that would be coming tomorrow.
Mrs Murphy 

Next Week’s Run - Monday 31st May 2021
Hare: Pebbles - details TBA (was announced as Royal Mail Hotel 290 Albert St Sebastopol)
However, after today’s news I think that this will have to be cancelled and we will probably have to resume Zoom Hash. 

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