COVID ZOOM #37 & COVID RUN #35 – Woowookarung Lookout
28 Hashers ventured out with over the weekend and completed the 5.8 km run/walk in the Woowookarung Regional Park. 18 Hashers (not necessarily the same ones) also joined the zoom hash circle Monday night, although there were a few who arrived late and Nummy left early due to a sore back.
Anyone who completed the hash trail should text the Book Keeper, Juz Cum on 0407 834 414, so the book can be updated.
Welcomes Back included: Pauline and Lois Lane (again, not sure why???). Dim Wit and Rowena also received happy birthday wishes.
Mountie shagged the run and gave the following scores, Venue 17, Terrain 14, Marking 11 (lost marks for crossing trail), Drink Stop 13, Groovy Factor 15, giving a total of 70 out of 100. No song or down down, as the Hare had not turned up yet.
Dim Wit logged in at this stage and complained about the lack of trail visible after 3pm on Sunday and then told a couple of jokes that weren’t very funny. He then got his birthday song.
Hashy Birthday 

Charges from before the run went to Rowdy who was spotted dumping glass (lots of wine bottles) into the recycling bin.
Yes Yes Yes, Good Good Good, Down Down Down 

Sniffy runs mentioned included: Mountie 1188, Pauline 588, Num 676, Lois 949, Teflon 241 and Shafted who is still on 699.
Get a life 

Discussion then jumped to Next Week’s Run – Queen’s Birthday, TBA Committee Run. No decision was made until restrictions are announced. Depending upon restrictions, there was discussion about holding a run on Monday 14th June, or sticking with trail that can be followed sometime over the weekend.
Dumb then told a joke that was funnier than Dim Wit’s.
It’s a grand old flag
We are one
Bent Nose was charged for his lack of man bag while out on trail and we then finished up with a story about Precious, who now knows that he should wrap his used condoms in a tissue prior to disposal into the bathroom rubbish bin, because no one needs to see that.
His one skin 

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