Twenty six Hashers signed the book and assembled at Num and Dum’s shed for Num Num’s run that was actually set by Dumb n Dumber. Soon after starting the run the drizzle started and became gradually heavier as the night went on. Fortunately, we finished the 5km run around the streets of Alfredton and were safely back in the shed before the heavy rain hit.
Welcomes Back included: Teflon and Dim Wit.
Get a life.

There was confusion again as to who was responsible for reading the sniffycunt run with Juz Cum thinking this should be Spencer Hocking. Sniffy runs included: Shafted 696, Precious 167, Mrs D 667 (500 difference from Precious), Bent Nose for claiming Precious’s run wasn’t significant, and Spencer Hocking 1259.
Get a Life.

Mountie was then called upon to screw the run. She presented her new scoreboard and gave the following scores, Venue 5, Terrain 5, Marking 5, Drink Stop 10, Groovy Factor 10, giving a total of 35 out of 50.
Shitty Trail.

Dr Rowdy was then charged and because when 1 Dr drinks, all Dr’s Drink, Dr Campaspe was also charged. Penny Farthing and BP were also charged for not singing.
Mrs Murphy.

Shafted then charged Dr Death for leaving his phone in a taxi and which led to charges for Rowdy (He’s also a Dr), Spencer Hocking and again Campaspe (When 1 Dr drinks, all Dr’s Drink).
Bad, Bad, Bad.

Charges from before the run included: Donuts who was charged for his vehicular altercation on the way to Hash and Campaspe for missing out on being charged last week for being in the newspaper (again). Juz Cum was charged for trying to call the wrong Janine and Dum who was away collecting our dinner, so Num Num, you’ll do, was charged for providing a rental car that wouldn’t lock, then wouldn’t open and required breaking the window to get in.
Your One Skin.

Dim wit was then charged for a lack of hash gear (even though he had just removed his wet hash shirt) and Precious charged Spartacus for providing a double tagged shirt.
20 Toes. Nutsy then charged Rowdy, Spencer Hocking and Donuts for failing to wear their groovy glasses.
Hymn. Then NBCL was also charged for arriving late and not wearing hash gear.
She’s a Harriette.

Moving on to charges from the run. These included: Num Num for not setting her own run, Dumb n Dumber for the variety of HHC, HCH, CHH and for tagging his own fence.
Build a Bonfire. Nutsy was then charged for her Birthday and was presented with a candle in a cupcake
Hashy Birthday. NBCL was charged for something about Nutsy’s Birthday and Precious was charged for stupid hair.

We then heard about Dim Wit, Shafted and Fascinater, who went to Axedale to split wood for Exit. Dim Wit then took the floor for his joke and reported that Num Num was to be known as the Route Master and the joke was “What sort of dog doesn’t bark – a Hush Puppy”.
Hears to …

Mountie was then charged for her spice girl reunioun dress and it was suggested that she should now be known as “Old Spice” Dumb and Dumber then got charged for asking about the wood chopping, when this had just been discussed and Mountie name was also suggested to be “Autumn Spice”
Stop right now. Following this theme, Rowdy was charged for knowing the words to the Spice Girls song and Mountie was again charged for being a republican and wearing the queen’s nightie.
God Save the Queen.

Next Week’s Run - Monday 10th May 2021:
Num Num, then made further demands for names for future runs before announcing that no one had put their name down for next week’s run and she asked for volunteers. Spartacus put his hand up for next week’s run but has not yet provided any details. TBA
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