Twenty-five Hashers signed the book and assembled at the Park Hotel for Spartacus’s run. Fortunately, the electricity had returned after a power outage that threatened to cause chaos to our dinner plans and was possibly caused by the heavy rain that may have kept some of the less dedicated hashers away. 10 hashers took off on the run towards the lake. I’m not sure how many walkers there were. I don’t believe that any trail was spotted, I certainly didn’t see any, but we will go with the theory that it was washed away by the rain. Campaspe missed the start of the run while ordering dinner, but caught up with the group near the sound shell where Rowdy led the group to sing the hash version of
Oh Come All Ye Faithful
. We then congregated at Boot Laces place in Lake Gardens for the drink stop and then returned to the Park Hotel for down downs and dinner.

Welcomes Back included: Bar Licker, Mastabait, SS, Dr Death, Fuck wit Phil and Bad Hair Day (even though he was at hash last week???).
Get a life 

The GM was then charged for missing Bitch Face in the welcomes back and Bitch Face got her welcomes back charge.
No No No
The RA (Mrs D) was then thanked and charged for stopping the rain.
Who stopped the rain 

Mountie then stepped up to shag the run and gave the following scores, Venue 15, Terrain 5, Marking 0, Drink Stop 0 (Because Boot Lace wasn’t there), Groovy Factor 5, giving a total of 25 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Dr Death was charged for telling Normal to come to watch a close game of footy where East Point ended up beating Redan by 159 points. And Fuck Wit Phil was charged for not coming to hash for ages.
His One Skin 

Bitch Face was charged for needing bigger text to read, Plucka was charged for the Gov Hub and all non-mothers were charged.
She’s a Harriette.
This was followed by a charge for all the mothers following on from yesterdays Mother’s Day.
Mrs Murphy 

We then moved on to charges from the run where Mrs D was charged for new runners. Mrs D then did a shoey down down. Half-a-bar was then charged for the lack of gold discovered on this property.
No No No 

Sniffycunt runs this week included: Bad Hair Day 1122, D&C 234, Gilf for 350 last week, Bitch Face 88, Fuck Wit Phil 13 and Plucka 308
Bitch is back 

Dinner was ready so we then moved on to announce Next Week’s Run - Monday 17th May 2021.
Hare: Normal from the Grapes Hotel, Cnr Grant and Humffray St, Golden Point.
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