Monday, March 29, 2021

Rowdy’s traditional Midnight Run at Slatey Creek. 29-3-’21.


This will only take 5 minutes, so you won’t need to phone in

sick. No Logistics Art Project, you won’t need Google, & the

only thought of a Hobbit is that Tommy Half a Bar found his

way to Slatey.

Reverence called & GM Donuts gave a welcome back to Exit.

Runners headed off for their 5k, walkers taking to the long

loop, with just some confusion along the way, eventually

reaching the styrene Drink-stop planted in the bush, just

metres from home.

Back at the Circle, the sprinkle of free campers heard their first

voice of Hash Harrying, with Half a Bar’s “no fuckin’ swearin”.

GM Donuts welcomed Exit again – this time with a drink.

Come forward stand-in Choirmaster Half a Bar. (Get a life ...).

Screw Bentnose was next, saying “How good is the serenity

of the bush?” In the background ... “Just like Bonny Doon”.

Even though it was “beaut in the bush”, walkers began to lose

faith, until some of the runners came from behind. “Listen to

the people” sang out Just Cum & Mrs Dickhead. Some of the

uphill was shit, but the last 2k was good. Score -1, the hour to

adjust your clock. S.F.F.B.     (Shitty trail ... ).

Mrs D was there working Half a Bar just like Gerry Gee, hand

up the back.

Spencer Hocking trotted out the usual ‘mathematicals’,

re: the Sniffy Runs. Num Num 666, Campaspee 69, D&C 229,

Juz Cum 44, Dumber 1243, Pennyfarthing 689, Gilf 345,

Teflon 234, Chuck & Lee 5, Spence 1255.

                           (Your down down song).

Before the Run, Fascinator “may have fucked up again”,

asking at the 11th hour for the Hash plates, & then a phone call

to Spence, to pick up some bread.   (Give us an A ....).

Spence charged Hare Rowdy, for telling Dim Wit via the

phone, to “head north (instead of south) off the bitumen”.

Spence thought, no problem, we won’t miss Dim Wit’s

joke anyway.                 (You’re stupid ... ).

BP had a drink for phoning during the Circle, & Juz Cum for

her comment, “If you’re not on Facebook, just come”.

D&C charged Rowdy for his navigation, having them head off

towards Bungaree.            (You’re stupid ... ).

From the Run, Nutcracker shouted Teflon for leaving the

runners for dead, when they couldn’t see trail, & Gilf took one

for the Cycle Hash & her mishap. Then there was a call for all

the Harriettes who aren’t “cycling” anymore !!

                          ( Your down down song ... ).

Nutcracker gave D&C a Birthday Drink for her big day next

Sunday.          (Put it in your hand Mrs Murphy ... ).

Rowdy then charged Nutcracker ...... as Normal is a larger

c*nt than Mastabait, so too is Nutcracker larger than D&C.

Nummy charged Dumber for his reaction to her, in bed

saying, “Hi, I used to be hetero“.

              (C.U.N.T. they all look like big cunts to me ... ).

Bentnose charged Mrs D for having to help Half a Bar,

seeing as Bar Licker’s whole life is spent helping him.

                           (Oughta be ..... ).

Glasses were raised & the Hash Anthem sung to our Dear

Departed Hashers – Glider, Heavy, Midnight, Half a Bra,

Arso, Sorry, Crunt, Big Balls & Russell up the Publican.

Bentnose was stand-in Stand Up ... Jewish man Half a Bar

riding with Pakistani cabbie .... what chance of 2 serial killers

in the one car ??

The tasty bill of fare was sliced pork roll, chicken pieces, lots

           of seasoning (yum!) & salads.

          Next week’s run, Hare Plucka, On On ... dunno !!

          If you’re on Facebook, Just Cum.



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