Monday, August 27, 2018

27 - 8 - '18        Run 1894      Athletic Club

Virgin Hare DIMWIT's run from the Athletic (who said,
"Cat's Piss Central?") with the Hash 30+. The GM eventually 
called us about, & decided to keep the welcomes back 
for the Circle. 
DIMWIT told us about the run - undulating, scenic, short & 
with a Drink-stop.
On on was west up Mair St, & over the stairs inside the 
Station. Clearly no co-ordination with the train timetable - a
huge hold-up at the gates, waiting for the train. The School
Master Hare kept the 14 Super Athletes in check the whole
time, calling trail & on backs. Walkers & runners met up at
the Bakery Hill Flag, where SS led the chant. The welcome
Corona Drink-stop was out back of the Pub. The 3 bar flys
stayed at their own drink-stop a while, & were just in time 
for the Circle, in the brew room of the Athletic - minus vats.
GM PEBBLES had a welcome for the newly engaged 
PINK BITCH (FLUID's man) & as one bitch drinks .... you too
                        (Stop yer fuckin' bitchin' ......... ).
Welcomes back were for GILF, EXIT, FLUID MOVEMENT,
                   (Down down song, isn't very long ....... ).
PEBBLES called on Hash's "2nd best screwer" BITCHFACE,
but she was too tired to stand-in, so the stand-in stand-in
was ROWDY. ZIG yelled out "nothing's changed - ROWDY
was screwing everyone 12 years ago". They accused 
BITCHFACE of giving 'too much head' when she was a 
ROWDY said that the run was meek & mild, using bugger all
chalk & there was no allowance for the train stop. DIMWIT
became the 1st '2 limerick' Hare, with ROWDY's ending in,
"& the knob at the top they just lick". In absentia, MOUNTIE's
ended with, "his I.Q. & hat size the same". PEBBLES brought 
up visions of another famous virgin - Susan Boyle - & 
everyone but SILIC nearly puked.
                                    (Shitty trail ............. ).
Sergeant SHAFTED charged DIMWIT for putting on his best 
run ever, then ZIG for saying about marriage, "why buy the
book when you can join the library?", but SHAFFY wants the
'book' when ZIG's finished.
                       (Put it in your hand Mrs. Murphy ......... ).
He called out PLUCKA for writing down the sniffycunt runs
on a half used tissue. Runs were ROWDY 1171, CHRIS CROS
911, GILF 269 (better that 169), NUTCRACKER (ran her age),
BITCHFACE 25, & PINK BITCH 1. SILIC reckoned that you 
must have to be in the clique to get a drink.
                       (There's a game called 20 toes ......... ).
DIMWIT charged NUMMY for posting that he looked cute, then
SPENCE spun the old gag 'of DIMWIT ' with the box of 
condoms - plus tax!! DIMWIT stayed out to drink out of his
'new' right shoe, but HEAD HUNTER thought as a Catholic, he
should have drunk out of the left. Then came the DIMWIT
zinger - Jelly bean went to school to become a Smartie.
                        (He's a bastard .......... ).
DONUTS charged DIMWIT for the best run under Scott
Morrison, & speaking of Morrisons, you too HALF A BAR.
              Norway Hash Song ......... (No !!).
EXIT had HALF A BAR stay out for the Essendon advert on
his top, & then REAR ENTRY for not knowing the Richmond
song - good ploy to get an extra grog each week!!
                           (Hymn, hymn ........... ).
SPARTACUS has been pining for his love PUSBUCKET, so
Richy joined in on the bike ride - but motorised. 
                           (No, no, no ............... ).
BEERFUCK had a drink for only noticing the lack of accent
& not the curves of SHAFTED's lovely French strapper. Deb
wants SHAFFY to go to Spotlight for some new material.
                           (U.g.l.y. ............ ).
NUTCRACKER had a drink for her new 'beer' glasses, then
SILIC to DONUTS for thinking that BF meant bad fuck (have
you ever had such a thing?), but it was for BITCHFACE.
GILF & TEFLON both had a drink after hearing that the
French girl was on $19 an hour
 - GILF saying "you're more
than $19 an hour to me"....... Ohhhhhh.
                         (A soldier, a cunt-ry ........... ).
SILIC was charged for not going straight in to the food as
soon as it came out, & STUBBY just for being here.
                   (He's a piss-pot thru' & thru' ............ ).
NUM & DUMB had a drink for lasting 8 weeks in close 
company on the holiday.
                   (Your down down song ............ ).
Last charge was for new engagees FLUID & PINK BITCH.
                             (You're stupid ............ ).

Next week's run - 1895 - Hare SS from East / Point 
             Clubrooms.       Pizza & BYO grog.

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