Monday, October 14, 2024

Run #2220

Welcome to run #2220 Teflon from the Grapes! 

We started the circle this week by welcoming Road Runner, a new Road Runner, a different type of Road Runner! Road Runner from Brunei!!! He typically runs three hash runs a week and has over 2000 runs! When asked, he claims Max made him cum. Unsure if that was DnC (the sexy lady) or Max (the 18-year-old boy). Either way! Welcome to Sov Hash!!! 

Welcome back to Wee Problem, Max, Tahlia and Dan. 

Num Num came out to screw our lovely GM, we assume this run is a Teflon run, we let Nummy decide. 

Non-stick -  was slippery to start.

Water resistant - no rain!

Low friction - New Road Runner stuck to the run, leading the pack. 

Chemical inertness - we found where's Wally on the run and didn't touch him, no attacking Wally.

Heat resistant - Max got HOT on the run! 

Spencer Hocking stepped up to Sargent, the standard has dropped.

The hasher, formally known as Max, will forever be called Nair. 

Next weeks run: Bent Nose from BOG

Run #2219

 Welcome to run #2219 Lois Lane and Pauline from Home! 

We started the circle with new Committee Shirts!!!! Only for some, others are on their way. 

The circle welcomed back a gaggle of hashers, 

Spencer Hocking, Ms Dickhead, Furgy, Bent Nose, BP, Her Vag and FOP. 

We called upon the Birthday Babes and sang FOP (51) and Cinderella (20), a Hashy Birthday song. 

Num Num came out front to screw Lois and Pauline, all the same height, I suspect... she assessed the run against the properties of Teflon. 

Non-Stick - Cinderella said that no one stuck to the run,

Water-resistant - no rain, even when we wore the wet weather gear,

Heat-resistant - Fucking Freezing!!!

Chemical inertness - 'I forget what that means...' 

Hydrophobic - "I forget what that means too!!!" 

Low Friction - nobody fell 


We sang down down down, and then the GM took the floor to award a long-awaited trophy. SS wore his Shit House Run of the Year (2023) with pride! 

Our Sergeant came forward, but all his charges had been written on his other shirt.

Next week's run: 

Renob Footy Theme! 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Run #2218

 Welcome to Run #2218 NutCracker and Dnc from the North Britt Hotel

Welcome back to SOS, Dan, Tahlia, Donuts, MasterBait, Juz Cum, Fang, and Pebbles.

Num Num came out to screw the ladies and decide if the run had the properties of Teflon. 

Non-Stick - the Banana flour was nonstick!

Low-fricktion - noone fell over 

Nummy fucked off the rest of the properties and said it's all right, just like the run was! On right, on right and ON RIGHT! 

6/6 the board is becoming more and more obsolete, and still, no one knows what Chemical Interness is!? 

Rowdy stepped up to Seargent with only 30 minutes' notice but made do... He called for funny things before the run, funny things during the run, AND funny things after the run... How needy!!! 

Next Weeks Run: Pauline and Lois Lane from Home!

Run #2217

 Welcome to Run #2217 Campaspe from the Park Hotel

The circle started with the GM calling Emma, Max, Doodle Nuts and Dumb and Dumber forwards and asking the remaining Hashers what this group has in common...? 

Emma, 4 runs

Max, 4 runs

Doodle Nuts, 14 runs

Dumb and Dumber, 1400 runs!! What an amazing effort, team! 

We then welcomed a bunch of people, 

Precious, Vanessa, Num Num, Dumb and Dumber, Sharfted, Rear Entry, Carpet Burns and Snags. 

Num Num stayed out the front to screw Campaspee. Nummy reminded us how Campaspee was named for her soggy, flowing qualities, but due to our Campaspee's hobbies, she may also be similar to the other famous Campaspee, a concubine! 

On to the run:

Non-stick - lots of slipping, but no falls! 

Heat Resistant - Cold AF! 

Hydrophobic - some of us got soggy,

Low Water Absorption - NutCracker was wet, but apparently, that is usually the case! 

Low Friction - No sex on the trail, that Nummy noticed.

Chemical Inertness - Swans tried to attack, but no luck.


Rowdy came forward as acting Seargent and said some funny things. 

Notes for the diary, Mitti Weekend is 23/24 Nov and will be Mexican Theme!!! YAY!

The circle was ended with our lovely GM thanking everyone for the efforts while he was away.

Next week's run: 

North Britt Hotel, DnC and Nutcracker <3

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Run #2216

 Welcome to run #2216 Immaculate Conception and Max from the Bunch of Grapes. 

The circle started with some thank yous from the returned GM. Teflon wanted to thank the stand-in GMs, Precious, Shafted and Rowdy. The stand-in Hash Cash, Mountie and someone. The Stand in Chior Matser Pauline. The stand-in Screw, Pink Bits and everyone else who helped out, with only a moment's notice!

We welcomed back Campaspe, GILF and Teflon. 

Pink Bits screwed the run, she said something brilliant, too intelligent to be put into words even, but I will try to summarise. 

After taking a poll, the walk was said to be well lead. According to Normal... 

Rowdy and Pigs Arse told me the run was well set, although they took a big detour. 

Mountie then came forwards to Sargent around, she started off strong charging the returning GM as well as any visiting GMs (Teflon and Juz Cum).

We had charges before, during, and after the run. I promise we did! 

Next Week's run: Campaspe from The Park Hotel 


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Run #2215

 Welcome to Run #2215 Rear Entry (set by Pus Bucket?!) from the Ballarat Bowls Club 

The circle started with a Football Joke, which I didn't understand. For that Bent Nose, Lois Lane, Normal and Pigs Arse took a charge for that. 

Then someone questioned the morals of the hare, as trial was set by Pus Bucket. Apparently, the Last Man standing night was successful and we found out Rear Entry was not the Last Man standing and he had a tumble. Hence he paid Pus Bucket to take over for him in setting a very good run. 

The circle welcomed back Big Dog, Wendy, Pigs Arse and the Happy Honeymooners Nutbush and NutCracker! 

NutBush stayed out the front and screwed whoever was the official hare. Nutbush made a very good point asking when was the last time a hare paid off someone to set a run?! SHAME SHAME! 


Bent Nose then came forward and I forgot to keep listening... Until..... 

The christening! Wendy once known as Wendy, is now Hash Puppy! 

Next Week's Run; Immaculate Conception from the Bunch of Grapes on Pleasent Street

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Run #2214

Welcome to run #2214 DoodleNuts from Grapes on Grant (Virgin Hare!)

The stand-in GM, Shafted, started the circle this week by asking if anyone had any significant runs. Lois Lane, still looking fresh and relaxed after her trip, had some information to share...

SIGM: "Lois Lane, how many runs does it say in the book..?"

LL: "Fifteen thousand and twenty-six."

There was much cheering

BN: " Hellooo, I have the shirt to prove it. Gestures

Ms D: "Fifteen THOUSAND?!" 

Thank God Lois is back to look after us all! 

Then, Rear Entry came out to sing a silly song, and he knew almost all the words! Yellow and Black! 

Tahlia brought our virgin out for GM to fondle. The virgin who originally claimed she 'can't' drink beer... we will fix that! My good Doctor, Rowdy, told the virgin that everyone at Hash has had Pink Bits make them cum in one way or another, and the sad look on dear Immaculate Conceptions's face was truly too much to handle :( So his mother gave him a charge. 

Rowdy was then called upon to screw the Virgin Hare, so many virgins tonight!!! That's what happens when Precious leaves the state I guess... 

Doodle Nuts claimed that she couldn't take all the credit as she had some support. Or in her words, "was forced to"... Rowdy said this was the best-set run he has ever been to on Hash, or maybe just the best run he can remember in his old age. Who's to say!

We went up, up, up to the top of every hill in town, and then stumbled back down. The runners were amazed when Squizzy knew the way home on the run and when young man Dan was searching for the HH, while standing on top of the HH :( 

Rowdy screwed 6/6 

Bent Nose came forward to Sargent around the place, he had something to say about NZ v. Aus in the Olympics, of which Ms D stole his punchline. Immaculate Conception said something that could have been funny but was not. We had charges before the run, during the run, and after the run. You will have to, believe me, everything was gold! 

Next week's (tomorrow's) run: Rear Entry from the Ballarat Bowles Club (Havelock Street) The one near the Eastern Oval.