**RUN #2070, 3 JANUARY 2022
25 Hashers signed the book and gathered at Her Vag’s place for the first run of 2022. By the way, no one told me that I incorrectly wrote December 2021 as the date on the last blog! Is anyone reading this? The run was touted as about 7km (although some of us did a sneaky shortcut), while the walkers created their own extra DS at Lois and Pauline’s along the way. We then congregated at the well-stocked DS at the edge of Ballymanus Central Park before returning to Her Vag and FOP’s place for down downs and what I would like to claim to be the best feed I’ve ever had at hash. Food was awesome, thanks Her Vag!
Due to a lack of committee members, several stand-in’s were arranged and Hash circle was called. Dumb-n-dumber was stand-in screw and although he did the walk with the extra DS, he also did most of the run trail earlier in the day on his bike. He then went on to talk about Pauline, Her Vag and Num Num but kept getting pulled up as he was using real names instead of Hash names.
Your Stupid
. Dumb then went on to say that it was a good trail but since Mountie was absent, no scores were given.
Shitty Trail

Spencer Hocking then stepped up as stand-in sergeant. First charges were for the GM’s, who needed several stand-ins including those already mentioned, as well as a stand-in grog master and a choir master.
Give it a blow 

We then moved on to welcome Eggs & Bacon and Couch from Lakeside Hash.
We’ve got Virgins
. Although they claimed to not be Sovereign Hash virgins, having cum here before. Seth was then called for a down down as the only virgin, but he wasn’t old enough to drink so, Her Vag, you’ll do, and Her Vag stepped up for the down down. We then acknowledged QD’s birthday and SS scored a down down for something about being old. Then if one Dr drinks, all Dr’s drink, so Campaspe joined the group for a drink.
Hashy Birthday

Notable absences of several hashers were then mentioned, with Spartacus in hospital with covid-19 and Rowdy isolating with chicken pox. So Juz Cum and Wee Problem were called for a down down and were joined by Fop and Her Vag as Covid-19 survivors.
Covid Anthem 2020
. ScoMo (Big Dog) was then called to join the group for the 3rd verse. Lois and Pauline scored the next charge because if one kiwi drinks, all kiwi’s drink.
Build a bonfire

There were no charges from before the run, so we quickly moved on to charges from the run. E&B charged Gilf for having a sore pussy and not being able to join them on a bike ride. Teflon was charged with hiding behind a pole on what he thought was an on back, but it wasn’t. Pauline then charged Lois for creating an extra drink stop at their place to encourage him to come along to hash when he wanted a dry night (mind you, he didn’t seem to mind too much).
She’s a Harriette
. Teflon then forgot to drink as he claimed to be talking.
Why are we waiting

Teflon then revealed that he had stolen the dick-head of the week award from Wagga Hash and would like to use it for a weekly award at Sovereign Hash over the summer (until he returns it to Wagga Hash). Nominees were: Teflon, but he can’t give it to himself, Precious and the Bill for doing an extra lap of the park looking for the DS, and Her Vag for having a dead car key battery and being unable to open the DS. Her Vag was the winner.
20 Toes 

Precious then charged Fop for saying that the council needs to put rubbish bins in the area where we were having our DS. However, this was why he had gone to the area that does have rubbish bins. Then, if one Kelly drinks, all Kelly’s drink so they both had a down down.
All Australians are Illegitimate

Lois then charged Pauline for being eaten by mozzies all night. He had seen them on the light in the caravan, but just ignored them and turned out the light.
Mrs Murphy
Teflon then went on to tell us all that the trophy has been repainted many times and if you keep rubbing it, it may change colour. When asked who the charge was for, he said he was just making a comment. For this, he received another charge and so he didn’t drink alone, Penny Farthing was called upon to join him for a drink.
This is your down down song 

There was then a further announcement that there will be a Melbourne Hashers event on Australia Day and E&B will post the details on the Facebook page. Num Num then scored a down down for invasion day.
She’s Alright

Next weeks run will be set by Gilf, location and further details TBA. See later post/email from Num Num for further information.
**Next Week’s Run – Monday 10 January 2022 – Hare: Gilf, Location: TBA**
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