RUN #2066, 6 DECEMBER 2021
27 Hashers signed the book and gathered at the Brown Hill Hotel for the run this week. Num Num wore her “700” balloons with style along the trail, to continue her milestone celebrations. Yet again we had a very mountainous trail (I measured 4.5km but did take a short cut) with LOTS of hills and even a creek crossing as we traipsed through the bush, both north and south of the freeway. We then congregated at the rotunda at the Brown Hill Reserve for the drink stop before returning to the pub for our dinner where the Down Downs were held after dinner.
Hash circle began with an acknowledgement of Half-a bar’s big celebration at the MCG yesterday to watch the AFL Grand Final on the big screens.
It’s a Grand Old Flag 

Mountie was back this week and stepped up to screw the run with Pebbles holding her moot. She began with a joke about Rowdy, Criss Cross and QD getting frustrated playing golf behind a slow group of what they later learned were blind firefighters. This finished with the punchline of QD suggesting that they should play at night. Scores were then awarded for the run: Venue -5 (not in the bush, just near the bush and the pub wasn’t open when she arrived), Terrain 40 (lots of hills, but disappointed that no one fell over), Marking 20 (excellent marking), Drink Stop 20 (well stocked and liked the kangaroo snacks), Groovy Factor 5 (groovy flowers drawn at the drink stop), giving a total of 80 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Both Sergeants were missing this week, so NBCL was given an L plate and did a great job as a Learner Sergeant. We began with Welcomes Back to Pebbles, Half-a-bar, Mountie and Dim Wit.
It’s a Grand Old Flag 

We then heard a joke about Pebbles, who had recently received a pacemaker, he was feeling great, but every time he burps, his garage door opens. We then moved on to Sniffy runs where Num Num was recognised for her 701 runs, Rowdy for his 1299 runs and SS for being closest to the sum of these numbers.
Get a Life 

Rowdy was then charged again, for attending hash on what was his 35th wedding anniversary. In his defence, he said he left flowers at home in the kitchen sink.
He’s the Meanest
Precious and Mrs D then received charges because Precious’s parents are no longer having wedding anniversaries.
20 Toes 

Moving on to Charges from Before the Run. Mrs D charged Precious for not being sure if he would come to hash, as he had been gigging too hard. Criss Cross charged Num Num for going to the Black Hill pub instead of the Brown Hill pub and Teflon charged D&C for wearing her necklace backwards as C&D.
Build a Bonfire 

Mrs D then charged D&C and Head Hunter, as during discussion, she had mentioned that this trail had nice arrows but that HH wasn’t anally retentive, just quite particular and D&C said that she wishes that she was like that. Rowdy then charged QD for being worried that we had lost Mrs D on trail but we had just taken a little short cut (and why wasn’t anyone worried about me, since we were shortcutting together?). QD was also charged for leaving dirty laundry on trail.
He Ought to Be 

There was then a charge for the staff at the pub, for coming in on their night off. They joined our hash circle and seemed to enjoy all our singing. D&C was then charged for giving the staff a hard time and Juz Cum had complained about a lack of lighting in the toilets, but the lights just needed to be turned on.
Give us an A 

Mountie then charged Teflon and Gilf, who had not been seen together for a while but were seen holding hands after the drink stop today.
She’s a Harriette 

Half-a-bar was then charged for saying that you can’t hang shit on someone who is not here, but yes we can. Then if one Melbourne supporter drinks, all Melbourne supporters drink, so he was joined by Dumb, Gilf, SS, Penny Farthing and one of the wait staff.
No No No 

Gilf scored another drink for answering “when did you become a Melbourne supporter?” with “when they won”.
She’s Stupid 

Precious then charged D&C for being a shit GM, since even though Nutcracker had received some sad bereavement news, she felt she still needed to be at Hash and couldn’t leave D&C in charge.
Do Your Tits hang low 

Final charge (to use up the beers) went to the teachers, if one teacher drinks, all teachers drink so Mrs D, Mastabait, Criss Cross and Spencer all shared this down down.
Give us an A 

We then moved on to next weeks run, which will be set by Bent Nose. Location: Grapes Hotel, Grant Street, Golden Point.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 13 December 2021 - Hare: Bent Nose – Location: Grapes Hotel.
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