RUN #2059, 1 NOVEMBER 2021
29 Hashers congregated at the Den for the pre Melbourne Cup Hash run this week. We all QR coded in and showed our double vax green ticks. Obviously, it was a 2-mile run (3.2 km for those that prefer metric). The drink stop was located at the Lake Wendouree historic shelter overlooking the Lake Wendouree fountain where, once Shafted did a quick runner to collect glasses, champagne was added to the beer that was on offer.
Just as Hash Circle was beginning back at the Den, Dr Death was questioned about what he was doing? He answered “setting up down downs” however, he had not noticed that this had already been done up on the bar.
No, No, No 

Mountie, then stepped up to shag the run and began with a joke. Scores were then given for the run: Venue 20, Terrain 0 (no hills), Marking 15 (was it marked with flour shaped like a horse or the virgin Mary praying to Jesus?), Drink Stop 15 (champagne), Groovy Factor 25 (for the fish seen jumping out of the lake), giving a total of 75 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

First charge went to Plucka for world vegan day (Juz Cum said that Plucka’s not here, so she’ll do). Precious was called to take a charge as he is the only one who f#@ks a vegan and Plucka (Juz Cum as a stand in) was charged again for disrupting Shafted order for prawns for dinner, and then not turning up.
20 Toes
Juz Cum was taking her time with her down downs, so she received the
Why are we waiting

Sniffy runs of mention were: Fascinator on 199, QD on 174, HH on 175 and Lois on 969.
Get a Life 

Shafted was charged for his Indian run of 7-Eleven last week and speaking of 7-Eleven, that was a recent covid exposure site, so that led to another charge for Plucka (ie Juz Cum) for needing to quarantine due to exposure to covid. The Bill was charged for his movie star status appearing in all forms of local media recently, ABC national, state and local. Fascinator then charged all those wearing a fascinator, which included Campaspe, Mrs D, D&C, Nutcracker, Nummy, Mountie and Lois and BHD & Campaspe for wearing Fascinator T-shirts.
Roll Back 

Shafted then charged Half-a-bar for answering his question about how his horse ran with “last week” and Dr Death charged Fascinator for trying to use a false covid thing.
You’re stupid
Half-a-bar was then charged for spillage and had to have another one.

D&C charged Mountie for looking like the Queen in her fancy jacket.
God save the Queen
This progressed to a resemblance to Cruella de Vil.
She’s the Meanest
Big Dog then got a charge for ScoMo and Penny Farthing as the French Connection
He’s a Liar 
Frere Jacques 

Moving on the charges from the run, SS was charged for getting excited at the lake with all the fish jumping. It was mentioned that you would need more flex in the pole to catch that type of fish and D&C was charged for saying that she would hold a pole any day.
Mrs Murphy 

Squizzy arrived late and was charged for looking at both sergeants at opposite sides of the room at the same time. Shafted then talked about his meeting with the priest as he set trail past the church. Mrs D and Precious were then charged for Mrs D being a helicopter mother.
Do your tits hang low
Precious then received another charge as he was the only one in attendance who had sucked on them.
Finnish Drinking Song 

Dr Death then charged Bar Licker for being better late than never and Squizzy charged Pauline for being too quiet. There were then several charges about moustaches, followed by the comment that anyone with a moustache was not allowed near Mountie.
She’s a Hariette
Pus Bucket was then seen wearing a moustache (Ha Ha
). This was followed by Fascinator’s joke – why to hash men wear moustaches? So they look like Mountie (Ha Ha
). Mountie then charged HH for something about silk and Shafted charged Dr Death for something about making you wait longer means you want it more. Shafted was then charged for his resemblance to Baron von Trap.
The Hills are Alive 

Dr Death was charged for something about only women bleed, but there are none left around here and Mrs D was charged for the longest song. HH was charged for looking like a jockey and all the guys want to be the horse
Half-a bar and Juz Cum (also dressed in silks) were then charged because if one jockey drinks, all jockey’s drink.
He’s the meanest 

We next moved on to next weeks run which will be set by Nummy from St Georges Lake, Creswick. There was a call out for all Hashers to see Shafted if you want to be included in the $5 and $10 sweeps for the Melbourne Cup and some further chatter about the upcoming Mitiamo weekend (5th -7th November) which will include official hash runs. We then moved on to the chicken, salad and buns for dinner.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 8 November 2021 - Hare: Nummy – Location: St Georges Lake, Creswick.
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