RUN #2063, 15 NOVEMBER 2021
30 Hashers gathered at the Bunch of Grapes Hotel on Pleasant Street for the run this week. Fascinator and Campaspe were gifted commemorative T-Shirts and draped in celebratory balloons as we took off on an approximately 4km trail. We then huddled out of the freezing weather at the Redan footy club for the drink stop, where nobody lingered because it was too bloody cold!
Back at the Bunch of Grapes, Hash Circle was called and Nutcracker began by spruiking her pink terry towelling hash hat, now available for $35, see Lois Lane if interested.
Fascinator was then awarded his pewter mug for his milestone 200 runs (which was actually last week).
He ought to be publicly pissed on
Do your balls hang low
Campaspe was then called to the front to be awarded her pewter mug for reaching 100 runs.
Give us an A
Get a Life
Nummy was then called for a down down, for naming Campaspe, which was then followed by the call for “if one Dr drinks…all Dr’s drink” so Dr Death and Rowdy also joined in.

Mountie then stepped up to shag the run and Nurse Batshit held the mut this week. Mountie began with a joke about Minico and Her Fanny that had something about a boob job and anal bleaching (to which Dr Death was heard to say “that stings”
). Scores were then awarded for the run: Venue 0 (it was not in the bush), Terrain 0 (no hills), Marking 0 (there was no “on on”), Drink Stop 25 (cold beer and prawns), Groovy Factor 25 (again for the prawns), giving a total of 50 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Both Sergeants were again in attendance and first charge from before the run was from Lois Lane for Dumb n Dumber, for saying that he usually just waves it around and if that doesn’t work, then he will insert it. Cris Cross then charged Dr Death for something about not being Aussie enough and not drinking, smoking (and a few other things that I didn’t catch) enough.
He’s the Meanest 

Mrs D then charged Campaspe for driving to hash when it was her 100th run, which was followed by “if one centenarian drinks…all centenarians drink” so Fascinator received another down down too. SS also received this charge as he is the closest to being 100 years old.
She Goes with the Flow 

Mountie was then charged for almost being denied entry for not having her phone with her for her for covid check in and vaccination check. Dr Death was charged by Half-a bar for something f@#k-in something and Bent Nose was charged for allegedly dumping rubbish across the road at the Redan Footy Club.
Mrs D then charged the GM’s for misspelling Campaspe on her mug as “Campase”, to which they retorted that Donuts did it. Donuts was not there so Juz Cum, you’ll do and Juz Cum stood in for the down down. Dr Death then charged Pauline for something that I didn’t catch. Mountie was again charged for not having evidence of vaccination but entered with 2 pricks to prove it, Dr Death and Pus Bucket, so they received a down down too.
We then moved on to next weeks run, which will be set by Mastabait and Normal.
Twenty Toes
After some discussion, it was decided that it would begin from the Titanic Memorial Bandstand on Sturt Street, with the on after at Eureka Pizza. Dinner was then served and was followed by celebratory donuts for all

Next Week’s Run – Monday 22 November 2021 - Hare: Mastabait & Normal – Location: Titanic Memorial Bandstand on Sturt Street with the on after at Eureka Pizza.
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