RUN #2055, 4 OCTOBER 2021
How excited we were to resume Monday night Hash! Despite the cold and crappy weather (thanks Mrs D), there was a pretty good turnout and we had 27 Hashers turn up and sign the book. A small fire kept the bar flies warm, while the rest of us took off on the trail that was around 3.5-4.5km long, depending upon how many short cuts were taken. We followed some very slippery trails through the bush, adjacent to the White Swan Reservoir, and it was amazing that no one fell over. We even had a visit from the local cops towards the end of the run. Thanks go to “The Bill”, who was able to reassure them that all was above board on our “training run”.
Hash Circle began with birthday wishes to Rowdy
Hashy Birthday
and also to Dumb, who had a birthday on Tuesday
F#@k off ya c….
. Mountie, then stepped up to shag the run and began with a Daylight Savings themed joke about Rowdy who had some black shoe polish and had apparently misheard the need to turn his “clock back”. Scores were then given for the run: Venue 22, Terrain 20, Marking 10 (Juz Cum kept asking “where are we?"), Drink Stop 20, Groovy Factor 20, giving a total of 92 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

On a personal note, I would like to thank Penny Farthing for holding an umbrella above our heads to enable me to take notes in the drizzle that had set in. Both Sergeants were in attendance and began by charging all the Demon’s supporters.
It’s a Grand Old Flag
Bulldogs supporters were then charged and because Cilic wasn’t there, Mastabait, you’ll do. Mountie and NBCL were also charged.
Build a Bonfire
. Mountie then charged Bent for the lack of replies on his Facebook post regarding the dinner.
No No No 

Sniffy run shirts were then awarded to The Bill – 1700 runs, Nutcracker – 200 runs and Pebbles – 600 runs (not in attendance).
20 Toes
Rowdy then charged D&C for having trouble allocating the T-shirts to the correct people, she was trying to check sizes and did not think to look at the picture of each person on the front of each shirt. The awardees were then charged for not putting on their new shirts, but in their defence, it was raining.
He’s the Meanest 

Teflon also charged GILF, as a new D’s supporter and Rowdy charged Nummy for a reason I didn’t hear.
Give us an A
Mrs D charged Nurse Batshit for returning to hash when the weather was crap and Normal charged Mastabait for saying that lots of oldies live around here, on a previous trail, when he also lives in the same area. Dr Death charged Plucka for parking close to the road, making her walk further to the start of the trail.
Mrs Murphy 

Chris Cross then charged Rowdy for lots of skid marks on trail and the Sergeants charged The Bill for talking to the cops. Bent was then charged for wanting a charge because he’d run out of beer.
They Ought to be 

We then moved to a Joke Off between Bent and Dim Wit:
Bent – What is a dinosaur’s least favourite reindeer? – Comet.
Dim Wit – Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the toilet? They have a silent P.
The GM’s didn’t get Bent’s joke and Dim Wit’s joke got more giggles, but general consensus was that Mountie’s earlier joke was the best.
Discussion then moved to the postponed Hangi weekend that was schedule for the first weekend in November. An alternative gathering was proposed by Nuts at the Forbes’s Farm in Mitiamo, with meals at the local pub to comply with current restrictions. Camping or accommodation can be arranged. Nuts will need numbers in advance to make appropriate arrangements.
We then moved on to next week’s run. Dim Wit will set a run from Michael Unwin Winery, off Remembrance Drive, Windemere (near the corner of Powells Road). There will be a BBQ dinner, so a call out was made to try to locate the Hash plates and cutlery, as these will be needed next week. 16 Hashers then gathered at Eureka Pizza for the on-after.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 11 October 2021, Hare: Dim Wit – Location: Michael Unwin Winery, off Remembrance Drive, Windemere.
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