RUN #2056, 11 OCTOBER 2021
32 Hashers turned up and signed the book this week. While several fires at the winery kept the bar flies warm and the BBQ was being cooked, the rest of us took off on what was touted as an approximately 4km trail around the local paddocks (that was actually less than 2km long). Everyone seemed to run a 4km PB this week!
Hash Circle began Rowdy charging Big Dog for leaving the Hash plates and cutlery in his shed. A new set was purchased while we could not locate the old set and we now have 2 sets.
No No No 

Mountie, then stepped up to shag the run and began with a joke about Dim Wit, his smarter brother and the competitive sale of their ducks that finished with a clever punchline that went something like getting a f#@k for a duck, a duck for a f#@k, a truck killed the duck and getting paid for a f#@ked up duck
. Scores were then given for the run: Venue 20, Terrain 2, Marking -5 (arrows were too close to the HH), Drink Stop 25, Groovy Factor 18, giving a total of 60 out of 100.
Shitty Trail 

Following from the sniffy runs last week, The Bill (1700 runs) and Pebbles (600 runs) were then charged to drink out of their new commemorative pewter mugs
20 Toes
and Pebbles received his shirt from last week. Shafted, as Sergeant, then charged our virgin runner, Simon (Dim Wit’s son-in-law) who was subjected to the usual “who made you come?” that he answered with his wife’s name Laura saying that she was on her way down.
You’re stupid 

Mrs D then charged Dim Wit for helping the elderly with his arrow placement close to the checks. Rowdy stopped for a pee on trail and Juz Cum was charged for asking what’s Mountie doing?
They ought to be 

Teflon then charged Dim Wit for setting up the hash circle in front of a bunch of fans, while referring to the cold breeze that appeared to be coming from the wind farm in the distance. Mrs D charged D&C for her identifiable voice while she didn’t have her glasses on and Dim Wit charged Mountie for playing golf instead of being at the winery with her sisters over the weekend.
She’s the meanest
Rowdy then charged Lois and Pauline for their premature run last week.
Build a bonfire 

Spencer charged Dim Wit and Half-A-Bar for not knowing what was special about today’s date 11/10/21 where 11 + 10 = 21. Simon was charged for his first run and SS was also charged.
Soldier Song
The GM’s were charged for something I didn’t catch and Fang charged Half-a-bar for the sheep on trail.
Mrs Murphy
Teflon then charged Plucka for being on TV last night, (there was a Hey Hey it’s Saturday special on TV) and Spence charged Bent for his reminder to do sniffy runs.
She’s a Harriette 

Sniffy runs of mention went to Dim Wit on 141, Simon on 1, BP on 1250, Nutcracker on 202, and Big Dog on 101. NBCL was then charged for a similar hair cut to Big Dog and it was then that Dim Wit announced that Laura was coming (she was bringing the salads for dinner). Thanks Laura, the salads were good. Mrs D then charged Dim Wit for the charges lasting longer than the run.
Give us a “A”
His One Skin 

To finish up Dim Wit was called upon for a joke. What do you call a man with no children who tells Dad jokes? – A faux pas 

We then moved on to next week’s run. Hare will be Juz Cum. Details and location TBA. The BBQ was served, and wine was available for tasting and purchases throughout the evening.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 18 October 2021, Hare: Juz Cum – Location: TBA
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