Monday, February 1, 2021


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Ballarat HHH Run #2019.
1.2.21 - a good date spoilt.
In so many ways a palindromic run. 1 2 2 1 ; trail same out and back; jokes the same as the previous 40 years (according to Criss Cross “déjà vu all over again”).
…. And the hare, Spartacus has outdone Tommy Half a Bar by having the same “out and back” theme to his trail setting for 5 runs in a row.
…. And Spence, who must have spent the whole palindromic day creaming his jocks, was most notable by his absence. He was also missed when the call came for sniffy runs, with DNC finally twigging on that the book may be better utilized NOT locked away in her car.
…. Anyway, I get ahead of myself.
A healthy number of runners attended the Grant St Grapes Hotel for a post summer holiday hash run. Spartacus set the trail in yellow paint, south along the Yarrowee Creek and back, which catered for all paces, as the front runners returning enabled the stragglers to turn back early. The Barflies managed to walk to the well iced and well stocked DS and meet up with the athletes as they returned from the 5 km jaunt.
Back at the pub Donuts took control and made some significant welomes back : Rear Entry, Road Runner, Normal, Dr Death, and Narelle. RE demonstrated that a further two Tiger premierships have completely failed to teach him the Richmond theme song, and also that he doesn’t care that he doesn’t know. Ya Stupid
Apparently, Pauline hit 300 runs, although in the bedlam of the circle I think he nominated himself, and so had a celebratory beer. Get a Life
To the Screw. Bent was told “Good luck with this one” just as Billy Joel’s Piano Man wafted across the loudspeakers and interrupted his erudition. Not to be deterred, he ploughed on. “What a fuck up this one was”. Score, the same as the elevation on the run, zero, only to be amended after conferring with the assembled as it was ‘marginally less worse than the Never Ending Run’, so +0.1
Sergeant QD began by targeting Nutcracker, whose arse appeared on his work zoom background at an inopportune moment. Contracts with BHP were signed promptly as a result.
Road Runner was congratulated for being cunning enough to sabotage Candida’s bike so he could make a Hash comeback. Rowdy, Criss Cros and Pebbles were charged for historical racist attitudes, and Campaspe for her photogenic appearance in the Courier with a local cycling celebrity.
Spencer Hocking’s sad absence was noted, only to be interrupted by a high pitched screeching which seemed to emanate from DNC. I didn’t understand a word she said so cannot report.
Charges from the run. The trail setter was accused (by his wife) of having ‘the imagination of a caravan site’. Questions were raised concerning the bedroom gymnastics. Nutcracker was applauded for not getting lost this time, BP for being prescient in saying “its 4 km, lets go 2 km out and just come back”.
Rear Entry gained a nomination for the Black Kettle Award after being overheard disparaging the trail.
The Bill was noted, on a simple out and back run, to be going up the wrong passage, whilst Campaspe noted the map outline of her run resembled a pert female breast shape. After that things degenerated and stumps were called.
Next week’s run is (really) from the Market Hotel in the fabulous south west, hares Mrs D and Lois. #2020

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