RUN #2079, 28 February 2022
Hare: Fascinator – Location: The Stag Hotel, Learmonth
This week, 29 Hashers signed the book and gathered at the Stag Hotel in Learmonth. The 5km run followed an anti-clockwise trail along the lake, then up the hill before returning to Fascinator’s place for the DS. Hash circle was held in the beer garden at the pub and was followed by our pre-ordered meals.
Hash Circle began with Rowdy charging Mountie for questioning if Dr Death’s dog, 3D could have a boner given that he is pre-pubescent. Then if one dog drinks, all dogs drink so Dr Death was joined by Big Dog and Pus Bucket.
Mountie then stepped up to screw the run and asked Pebbles to hold her Moot. Mountie began with a joke that went something like this. Fascinator and Her Fanny got married and Fascinator announced that in this house, he was going to do what he wanted, when he wanted. So Her Fanny said that every night there would be sex at 7, whether he was home or not
. Mountie then awarded the following scores: Venue 20 (out of town but she didn’t have to drive), Terrain 20 (there was a hill, water and we saw a bush), Marking -5 (trail went 1.5km out of town then back), Drink Stop -200 (there was ice but shitty beer), Groovy Factor 200 (Mountie’s wedding anniversary). Total Score: 35.
Shitty Trail

We then had welcomes back for Dr Death, Pebbles and SS.
Get a Life
. Shafted said it was about time the other sergeant was here. Shafted then told us all that he missed the run yesterday because he was busy selling a racehorse that he bought for 50 grand, for 250 grand.
They ought to be

Charges from before the run. Lois charged Mrs D for asking if they were pulling the house down on the way into Learmonth, when this was clearly the case. Fascinator then charged Half a Bar for something about Great Northern Beer and Mountie charged The Bill for driving to last weeks run at Codes Forrest Road yet parking 1km down the road from this weeks run.
You’re Stupid

Precious then charged Mountie for her story yesterday about going into a country pub and noticing that no-one was wearing masks. She asked the barman why he wasn’t wearing a mask and he said that he was exempt because he had tongue cancer. Her response was “Gee, you’re lucky”. This also happened to be the pub that we stopped into on our way home from Axedale and we were served by the same barman.
You’re Ugly

Shafted then charged Big Dog for refusing to fill in his Directors Number application. Fascinator then charged Mountie and Pus Bucket and told a joke about swapping pants. Pus buckets pants were too big for Mountie, because Pus Bucket is the one to wear the pants in their relationship. While Mounties pants were too small for Pus Bucket, because she was not allowing him to get into them.
20 Toes

Mrs D then called Gabby to the front for her christening. We were told that Gabby loves the colour pink and was very happy to find a pink Gin at the DS and then got a pink stubby holder from the bar. So, Gabby was christened “Pink Bits”.
Give us an A

Rowdy then charged Nummy and Campaspe to tell us about Campaspe’s christening. Nummy recalled that Campaspe had a pee next to the Campaspe River however, that is not how I remember it.
She’s a Harriette

There were then final charges for Juz Cum, Nummy and Precious, but I can’t read my notes to figure out why.
Do your Tits Hang Low

Next weeks run was then announced, Bad Hair Day will be the hare and the run will be held from his place at 58B Magpie St, Mount Pleasant. Instructions are to enter from the side gate on Madelia Court.
There was also an announcement for anyone planning to attend the upcoming Mystery Bus/Black Tie/Awards/Shagadelic night to put their name down and pay up. The event will be on 28th March with the bus leaving at 6pm from the Lake View and there will be a cost of $30 per person.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 7 March 2022 – Hare: Bad Hair Day – Location: 58B Magpie St, Mount Pleasant.
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