RUN #2074, 31 January 2022
Hare: Pus Bucket – Cricket match/run – Location: City Oval
32 Hashers signed the book and gathered at The Den at City Oval for the annual Cricket Match and Run 2074. We did a short 2km run and returned to the City Oval for the DS. Once the oval was cleared of footy players and most of us had paired up into teams, we took to the field for the annual cricket match under Pus Buckets guidance. Fun was had by all, and the results were announced during down downs. We all then enjoyed our yummy dinner of chilli con carne and rice, with carrot cake for dessert and drinks all round.
Hash Circle began with welcome backs for CC and their new puppy 3D and their owners, Dr Death and Nurse Batshit. Then if one dog drinks, all dogs drink so Big Dog and Snag Dog also scored a down down.
They Ought to Be
. Further welcomes back went to Road Runner, Fang, Horatio Hornblower (aka BF), Fascinator and Dim Wit.
Get a Life

There was then a presentation to Half a Bar from last weeks Hash run, for a donation of what I think was $250 for the Kenyan Orphanage. Half a Bar also seemed to have a bit of a cough, which he claimed was not covid, but he still got the song.
No No No

Mountie then stepped up to screw the run with her faded, warped moot and requested that Road Runner hold her Moot. Mountie then told a joke about Nutcracker who was at the police station in tears after being raped. Her description of her attacker was tall, wearing white protective clothing. This sounds like a cricketer. Nuts said it was an English cricketer. Why?….because he didn’t stay in long
. Mountie then awarded the following scores: Venue 25 (love The Den), Terrain -25 (no hills), Marking 30 (immaculate), Drink Stop 20 (provided the best beers), Groovy Factor 20 (for D&C in her white mini skirt). Total Score: 70.
Shitty Trail

Our two sergeants then stepped up and were hanging out at the bar just like an episode of “The Front Bar”. They then called for charges from before the run/cricket. This began with Fascinator charging Shafted, but I got completely lost in his explanation and don’t really know what this was about. Rowdy then charged precious for being a victim of his own success for running the on back, there was then something about his brother, Immaculate Conception and his GF, BF. Dumb then charged Num for being up at 2am screaming as she watched Nadal’s win. There was then a charge for Spartacus, but even though Juz Cum didn’t fall for it this time and shout “He’s not here", she still scored the charge.
Do Your Tits Hang Low

Dr Death then charged Precious for his cricket batting technique and because of his previous comment about coming to hash to get cheap beers, he scored a water down down.
His One Skin
. Spencer Hocking was then charged for being bowled twice by Nutcracker and then Precious charged Dr Death for something about saying he was looking good, but he said Dr Death hasn’t looked good for years. Mountie then charged Dim Wit for doing his hammy during the cricket game.
No No No

Fop then charged Spencer for mistakenly talking about the Half a Bar Memorial Run, but he’s not dead yet!
Soldier Song
. This was followed by Dr Death charging Pus Bucket for organizing and scoring our annual cricket match. Dim Wit was then called upon for a cricket joke, to which he tells us that Djokovic has been appointed as the English cricket coach, why?.....Because it took over 2 weeks for the Australians to get him out
You’re Stupid

Pus Bucket then stepped up to report on the cricket match where there were 24 overs, no maidens and 19 wickets for 107 runs. The match followed Pus Buckets rules and each person bowled 5 balls, went wicket keeper for 5 balls and each team had a go a batting for 10 balls, where tippity run was enforced.
A table of all the results is shown in the comments.
Congratulations to Dumb and Num, this years winners
20 Toes

Teflon then stepped up with the Dickhead of the week award. Nominees were called for but the silence was deafening. The best of the worst was that Shafted and Rowdy nearly collided during the cricket match.
Glider’s memorial run and lunch at the Axedale Pub has now been rescheduled for Sunday 27thFebruary. There was a list of attendees and those who want a seat on the bus. Call was made to check this list if you are coming. See post from Num Num for more details and please let her know if you are coming and if you would like a seat on the bus if you haven’t already.
Next weeks run was then announced, Teflon will be the hare and the run will be held from the Queens Head Hotel, where there are $20 parma’s and meals will need to be ordered before the run.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 7 February 2022 – Hare: Teflon – Location: Queens Head Hotel, Humffray St North, Ballarat East.
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