RUN #2077, 21 February 2022
Hare: Big Dog – Location: Codes Forrest Road, Glen Park
This week 31 Hashers signed the book and gathered out in the bush at Big Dog’s usual spot out on Codes Forrest Road. There was a 4.5km run and a 3.5km walk that took us through the bush to the north and west of the starting point and was well-marked with arrows and Big Dog’s special dog signage. Both trails culminated at the DS, a short distance from where we began. After hash circle, dinner was a tasty feed of roast lamb, rolls and salads.
Hash Circle began with a joke from Mountie that went something like this. There were 2 kids who saw 2 dogs and asked what they were doing? “Making puppies” was the response. Later on, they then saw Mum and Dad and asked what they were doing? “Making babies” was the response. The punchline was….. next time flip her over because we want puppies
. Mountie then asked Pink Bitch to hold her f#@ked-up moot and awarded the following scores: Venue 50, Terrain 50, -20, +30, Marking 50 (5 on backs), Drink Stop 20, Groovy Factor 50 (dog signage and there were even markings for cars on the way in). Total Score: 230.
Why was he born so beautiful

Pink Bitch, Fluid Movement, SS and Head Hunter were then called to the front for the Welcomes backs.
Get a Life

Shafted then commented on the repeated absence of Dr Death and then went on to talk about the rock he found on trail. He said that it could be slag or melted alloy. Mountie then said that slag was like all the girls here, to which there was a quick retort of the pot calling the kettle black. Mrs D then charged Pink Bitch and Fluid Movement for their visit to Ballarat, now that the interstate borders have opened, look what’s happened. This was followed by a call for Mrs D to show off her injuries from her fall on the run, with blood on her hands and leg and comments of awe over her gash. This was followed by a charge for all the married couples, so Pink Bitch and Fluid Movement were joined by Pauline & Lois, Mountie & Snag, Teflon and Gilf and Head Hunter & QD. There was then a charge for Teflon and Mastabait from Criss Cross for saving them from missing the drink stop due to a wrong turn.
They ought to be

QD then charged Mrs D for not only her bloodied leg and hands but for also getting a hole in her new tights. There was then a comment that she looked like she’d just given birth and by coincidence, Nummy chose this moment to drop her beer, it seemed to be right on cue. Precious was then charged for his lack of sympathy and for saying “didn’t you fall over last time we were here.
Every Sperm is Sacred

Mrs D was heard talking about her Codes Forrest curse, since last time we were there, she sprained her ankle. Teflon then charged Nummy for saying “Meow Meow” but this wasn’t supposed to be cat noises, she was suppositively imitating the noise of an ambulance.
No No No

Shafted then charged D&C since she is blond and stupid. He then went on to tell us that a stupid blond in his car with his wife and she had said that she comes along this road all time to which Shafted retorted that he didn’t think it was that bumpy. Shafted wife was the only one who laughed
. Mountie charged The Bill for bringing his car all the way along the dirt road and Plucka was charged for something, but no one seemed to know why including Plucka and several other hashers standing nearby.
20 Toes

Criss Cross then charged Shafted for his comfortable chair that he had created by using a discarded car seat on a bale of hay. However, it was pointed out that his feet did not reach the ground.
Do your Balls hang low

Mrs D then charged Lois and Pauline for something about a bigger tongue and Mountie charged Juz Cum for setting her virgin PMT run.
She’s A Harriette

A question was then asked of the group…If you suck giving head is it a complaint or a compliment? Gabby was then called to take the charge as it was her anniversary with Immaculate Conception and although she was shaking her head from side to side she was told that it was better if she moved her head up and down. Bad Hair Day was also given a down down for his alternative name Bad Head Job.
She’s the Meanest

Mountie then made the final charge to Criss Cross, Half a Bar and Nutcracker as all 3 of them have resulted in us being kicked out of a town.
Soldier Song

Next weeks run was then announced, Fascinator will be the hare and the run will be held from The Stag Hotel in Learmonth. Further details TBA. There was also a reminder that Gliders Memorial Run will be this Sunday 27th February, with a bus leaving from Reptile Gulch at 9am, the event will start from the Axedale Pub at 11am, costs $5 for the run and $15 for a seat on the bus. There was also an announcement for the upcoming Mystery Bus/Black Tie/Awards/Shagadelic night which will be on 28th March with the bus leaving at 6pm from the Lake View and a cost of $30 per person.
Next Week’s Run – Monday 28 February 2022 – Hare: Fascinator – Location: The Stag Hotel, Learmonth