Run # 2009; COVID run # 33; Nov 23rd 2020. Pus Bucket from Nuggety Dam.
After two dozen days of double donuts we are back! A contingent of 34 Hashers assembled for our first proper hash run since March 16th. 14 runners (mostly Hash Tarts according to Mountie), a dozen walkers and plenty of barflies and latecomers all took in serenity of Nuggety Dam. Trail headed south into the Nerrina forest, past the electricity towers and returned up the hill to the drinks stop at the dam. The DS had cold drinks, lollies and 9 months’ worth of catch up conversations. Evil was also on hand showing off her stick retrieval and swimming skills.
After two dozen days of double donuts we are back! A contingent of 34 Hashers assembled for our first proper hash run since March 16th. 14 runners (mostly Hash Tarts according to Mountie), a dozen walkers and plenty of barflies and latecomers all took in serenity of Nuggety Dam. Trail headed south into the Nerrina forest, past the electricity towers and returned up the hill to the drinks stop at the dam. The DS had cold drinks, lollies and 9 months’ worth of catch up conversations. Evil was also on hand showing off her stick retrieval and swimming skills.
Back at the hash circle Head Hunter tried to call reverence and, with little response from the crowd, asked Spencer to mute everyone (one of the few good things about Zoom meetings).
Donuts then welcomed back Silic, Big Dog Half a Bar and then introduced our new runner, Suzy Q.
this is your down down song

Th singing in unison was so enjoyable that song sheets containing Pus Bucket’s new national COVID anthem was passed around for a rousing rendition (see uploaded video, and thank god we’re not singing on Zoom anymore!)
Bent Nose then attempted his first Hash Screw without the use of audio-visual assistance... “Fabulous North-East, but not Mt Pleasant. Included a novel up and down track and plenty of long grass, thank God the weather was overcast otherwise it would have been snake-ridden. A circuitous route through the old gold tailings the inspired a golden score of 97” (Bent said that 97 was the price of gold, which is actually $2,460 per oz?? Maybe he meant a score of 79, which is the atomic number of gold?)
Shitty trail
SniffyCunt runs this week included: Silic 939 (pallendromic), Bent 1390 (Dig sum of root 169), Susie Q 1 (root of herself)

SniffyCunt runs this week included: Silic 939 (pallendromic), Bent 1390 (Dig sum of root 169), Susie Q 1 (root of herself)
The significant runners we joined by those who had achieved milestone runs during the lockdown; Teflon 200, Num 600, BP, Normal and Dumb all 1200 and SS 1700.
Get a life

Sergeant Quick Dick took the floor, renamed this run PC1 (post COVID 1), and pre-charges included the following:
Spencer – Lost his job as Zoom coordinator
BHD – Looks less rootable without a mask on
All the pre-menopausal hash tarts (Susie Q, Wee Problem…)
Fascinator – The dirty BBQ caused a new pandemic (Dumb took a drink in his absence)

Birthday charges for Nummy and Plucka were joined by significant birthdays during lockdown; Head Hunter (50), Teflon (60) and both Fang and Dumb (70)
Hashy Birthday

Charges before the run:
Masterbait – took out a tree with his car
Nummy charged Evil for all the domestic pets he’s killed over the pandemic (her poor pussy)
Rowdy charged DnC who hadn’t realised it had rained last night
Campaspee – she took her mask on the run

NBCL – Asking an old lady to check for trail

Mrs D – Holding onto a blackberry vine while she shimmied across the log over the water
Pauline – Didn’t realise how tall he was and ran into a branch
Quick Dick – Lost his lead out of his pencil on the run

Teflon and GILF then arrived late – both significant runs – Teflon 222 and GILF 333 = 555 couple runs
Spencer then asked Susie Q “Who made you cum?”.. She’s been hashing since she was a baby but hasn’t run for 13 years. Her Mum hashes in Borneo and her Dad has hashed for 50 years.

Tommy Half a Bar then told a joke about the teacher taking the class on a trip to the races – She was helping the little boys in the urinal and noticed one was better endowed than the others. “You must be in one of the higher grades?” she asked. He replied, “Um, No… I'm riding Silver Arrow in the seventh race, but I appreciate your help.”
We then disbanded the circle and partook in the first hash feast in 9 months. Beautiful home cooked chilli con carne on bread rolls with slaw for main course and profiteroles for dessert (thanks Mountie!!).
Beer and conversations continued well into the night. It was great to be back!!
Next week’s run: Rowdy from the other side of 5 ways