Run 2001; COVID Run 25; Fop’s 2001 – A Daylesford Odyssey – Twin Bridges Picnic Area, Daylesford
For the benefit of the retirees, this week’s trail was set on the Thursday morning and followed a mountain goat path up one side of the “Dry Diggings Track” beside Sailors Creek to Tipperary Springs. At Tipperary Springs there was a conveniently placed toilet and a wet check featuring the rusty water syphoned from the hand pump. Trail then went across the footbridge and returned the other side of the creek, finishing with a stepping stone crossing back to the Twin Bridges Picnic Area.
Unfortunately, the early trail didn’t entice out any retirees as there was an unseasonal snowfall on Friday…and snow it did! Ballarat and district were turned into a winter’s wonderland on what would normally have been the AFL Grand Final public holiday. (Blame the R.A.!)
The weather did improve across the weekend and was quite pleasant by Sunday morning which allowed for a manned drink stop between 10:30 am and 1 pm. The drinks stop was stocked with cold beer, chips and chocolates, and was supplemented with “delicious and deadly” jelly shots (thanks for the jelly shots Grog Master Nutsy). The combination of weather, location and drinks stop brought the Hashers out en masse, and it was terrific to see Exit return.
Dumb and Num arrived at 1 pm, just at the DS was being packed up, with Dumb hobbling out of his car due to a badly sprained ankle. His ankle prevented him from doing the trail, but it did allow the DS to be supervised for a few more hours. By the end of Sunday most of the Ballarat H3 had partaken in a walk, a beer and a chat (almost back to traditional Hash).
Zoom Circle # 27 was attended by: Spencer, Fop, Her Vag, SS, Donuts, Fang, Campaspee, Mountie, Pebbles, Dumb, Num, Pauline, Lois, Fascinator, DnC, Nut Cracker, NBCL, Teflon, Bent Nose, BP, Bitch Face, Dim Wit, and Rowdy
The early zoom attendees were greeted with an upside-down Nutsy and NBCL and it was suggested that they had taken control of the Batcave (see pic)
The usual early cacophony of who had and hadn’t attended the run was broken by yours truly asking Dumb when I could pick up the drinks stop esky. This started a three-way conversation between myself, Dumb and Pebbles, and we were chastised heavily for wasting precious Zoom time.
At 19:10 the GM (Donuts) called for reverence and welcomed everyone.
Formalities began with SniffyCunt runs and we were met with a barrage of names and numbers from Donuts, DnC and Spencer Hocking, all simultaneously announcing what they deemed significant. My apologies for those with significant runs this week, but I was unable to clearly hear them (something about “if you add Nutsy, Plucka and Pebbles together you get 1000 runs”??)
Bent Nose then began his Screw and thought the location was a “Revelation”, made even better by Sunday’s “sensational weather”. He was complimentary of the suggestion to walk the trail in the reverse direction as that way he both avoided all the On Backs and was able to greet all the other Hashers out on trail who were walking in the correct direction. The “rusty water” Wet Check was a treat, though BP thought “the WC was a toilet stop”.
The only downside was the sunshine and blue sky meant that the UV index was too high for Bent’s fair skin; subsequently awarding the run a “UV index score of 6.5”.
Prior to formal charges Dumb and Num complimented Nutsy on the jelly shots; they had taken the left overs home with them and Dumb had just gulped down his 4th shot in 10 minutes.
Sergeant Quick Dick took the floor and began with charges from the run:
Mountie was charged for initiating the Chlamydia outbreak in the Daylesford Koala population (see pic)
Mountie was also charged by the Facebook police for posting a pic of Rowdy and Lois’ arses. Nummy suggested that Rowdy could benefit from some Pseudocream
Quick Dick thought Rowdy was like Mohammed Ali – both punched around the ring
Head Hunter was wished a Happy 50th Birthday – “Hashy Birthday”
Pebbles charged Dim Wit for introducing introduced his wife to “GLIF” (GILF)
SS charged Bent as he had forgotten to mention Exit’s attendance in the screw (DnC – “thanks for letting the Keeper of the Book know!")
Teflon (who was stuck on mute) charged the Hare as he had found the DS only 15m after the On On
Teflon and Spencer were both charged for their "lockdown hair" (see pic)
Pauline charged Campaspee for pointing out all the Wombat poo; “She knows her shit”... “Are wombat arseholes square??”
Lois celebrated the potential “travel bubble” with NZ; there was consensus that Tassie should still be excluded (sorry Bitch Face)
Dumb just finished his 8th jelly shot – Nummy is concerned how pissed he is getting
Fascinator was commended for arranging for the heavy snow on Friday and stopping the retiree’s from doing the trail early.
Next week’s run – Midnight’s Daylight Savings Run, Slatey Creek Camp Ground. Lois Lane insisting that it’s her run, Rowdy is taking credit as he is setting it. The Drinks Stop will run all weekend. Access from Melbourne Road Creswick (near St Georges Lake)