Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Run 1970, Hare Pebbles, from Miners Rest
A motley and bedraggled 24 turned up for a run from the House of the trail master. One would have thought that being Master of Trail indicated Masterful trail setting.
Anaemic arrows with indeterminate direction and inconsistent placement made following the run less than easy. Then a long, long stretch along the Highway to a distant drink stop resulted in at least 3 of the male members made to "mark their trail" beside nearby bushes. None were Christened for their act. Where is the justice in that? The BFs (Bar Flies) supplied transport back to the garage for the circle.
Fuckinator* was in a good mood. Before the run he rejoiced in announcing Campaspe* 15 (13 as Shazza), FOP 400, Rowdy resurrected, and then pretended to have to say "IMHFU" by forgetting Spencer Hocking 1200 runs.
Lois missed the down downs as she had to ATTEND HER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. At least she turned up for the run. Should be a big week in that household, with birthdays and Waitangi day, as well as a big run ending in "00" next week.
FOP, Mountie, Her Vagesty and Fergie were welcomed back to the Sovereign Hash. FOP has taken since 1994 to reach 400 runs (SS has missed fewer that that in the nearly 2000 runs the Hash has set). Oh, and Spencer Hocking 1200 runs (They ought to be publicly pissed on.. )
Shafted : "I screwed yesterday". Lucky Shafted.
He had a story about the superbowl that Pebbles left in his possession many years ago, never to be seen again. He described his run where he got hopelessly lost at the start, but ended up 'a mile in front; not many do with AMP!', then uncovered Pebbles' whiteboard from work, cleverly disguised as a table tennis table.
No song, but a "P is for Pebbles" Poem, then SHITTY TRAIL.
Mountie started with 1970. Nixon was President. He "might have fucked up." The wedding anniversary of Lois and Pauline was mentioned, also Nummy's "would have been" 41 st year of being married. Cleavage has a similar issue but the same date
Mountie can be blamed for starting the "joke off" - "How is a woman like a road?" which led to Tommy and the pissing on the carpet one, Dimwit with the "3 inch willie", followed by making the donkey laugh/cry, then "3 double whiskeys please", followed by "I'll have 5 whiskeys please". Details have been recorded on video if you really want the punch lines (Ya stupid, ya stupid....)
Nummy was mentioned in the Courier front page headline for "raising the Bar". Pity it was so long ago, the bar has tumbled since. More mentions of FOP 400, Spence 1200, and Campaspe ("lucky it wasn't the Burrumbeet Creek"). Normal got a beer for driving Rowdy home, and dinner was served.
Next week's run IS the cricket run from the City Oval cricket ground.

*spelling is an issue (? "Fuckin ate 'er", aka what he did with his last 69). Similarly ? "Campas PEE"

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