Ballarat HHH Run #2011, Fuck CoVid its all over, Monday nights are BACK !
Hare: Nutcracker, from the Freight Bar.
Theme: Pink, and Wilbur.
A good representation attended in pink for the first post CoVid city run, from the Freight Bar, with honourable guest, also inaugural GM Ed Davis (aka Wilbur) in esteem and in attendance.
The only other attendee who was at the First Ballarat HHH run was Morton, also known as Bent Nose, who the Godfather failed to acknowledge, even with reminders, and nudges, and clues, and evidence.
Who said there wasn’t a god?
The theme for the night was pink. All abided. The purpose of the night was to raise money for McGrath Foundation nurses, and sadly the purpose was placed into stark relief with the mourning of fellow Hasher Sorry, who passed away during the week after a struggle with breast cancer. GM Donuts led a moment’s silence before the run, which was matched with a down down at the circle. ON ON Sorry, and sympathies to your sons, and Hashing family (Flo Jo, Jack, and Warwick).
She tried to go to heaven but she went the other way.
The run was set through the fabulous East, in paint that nearly survived the day’s rain storms, but the trio of hares were close enough to the pack to lead them in the right direction. An anticlockwise loop towards the Yarrowee River, under Black Hill, past the Love Shack and to the well stocked and cold drink stop at the Eastern Oval sums it up.
Back at the Freight Bar Head Hunter called circle (loudly). Sniffy runs were few on the ground; Spence appeared to have the week off from his mensuraton*.
HOWEVER, Bad Hair Day was awarded a special key ring (but nothing else) for his 1100 Runs last week. Wilbur was awarded the same accolade for his First ever run 2011 Monday’s ago. Bent Nose was snubbed**.
The Screw failed to do the run run run. He walked the walk; it went North under the Bridge, East over the Creek, North again up the Hill, then Away from the East – Over the Bridge slowly : “Listen, Mate” (from Wilbur, before we lost interest), bypassed the traditional Seymour St Love Shack, also the North Star (or whatever it is called now ….. actually the North Star) and down through the Station car park to the drink stop.
Score: tree
Sergeant Quick Dick kept up his excellent run of form of late. Masturbait was first charged for running without his glasses. The Bill for confusing his left and right***
“Ya Stupid”
Shafted was charged “before the run“ for being there “before the run” “He’s the Meanest”
QD then regressed to last week: “Me and Criss Cross” was met with general disdain, calls of ‘Brown Back’ mountain, and the tune of “What a Wank”.
Charges from Much Before the Run: Bent suggested that in 1983 Ballarat Hash was originally designed to be “Down Down free” by the inaugural GM. “Conjecture” was mentioned. “Fake News” was thought, but the seed has been planted.
“Bullshit” was sung.
Back to the present. Spencer was noted to enjoy the sherry from the drink stop. No comment from the scribe, but Half a Bar was charged for being the only one to not have Sherry tonight.
The Lady Hairlesses charged each other for a protracted Bunnings shopping spree, to choose chalk and paint for run setting, only to come out chalkless. DNC remains very well named.
No Dimwit; no jokes.
Next week’s run is from Brown Hill, in the Cricket Club/ Rotunda vicinity. Fascinator is away, so the lack in BBQ will be an SEP****
* the part of geometry concerned with ascertaining lengths, areas, volumes and significant runs.
** I suspect Bent Nose (aka Morton) has contributed more to Ballarat Hash than most.
*** The Bill, of course was trained in telling left from right, and wrong from right many years ago, prior to the lessons being recently unlearned.
**** Somebody Else’s Problem
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