10 - 12 - '18 Run 1909 Buninyong
PENNY FARTHING's run from home, at "313" as we all
eventually found out. Run setter was cyclist SPENCER
HOCKING, although he used QUICKDICK's template for more
than half of it, and didn't even go anti-clockwise.
PEBBLES began with a welcome to "it looks like a visitor",
WETCHECK & then SPIDER. MOUNTIE had just realised the
SPIDER return, & that began the kissy/hump outburst.
SPENCE told us "it's the usual - marked left & right, with
some ups & downs & there's a Drink-stop". PENNY
FARTHING reminded us of the Buninyong thugs, so all the
valuables were locked away. WETCHECK wasn't seen again,
so probably reverts to RESIGNATION.
The Drink-stop was very welcome, since SPENCE had added
to the QUICKDICK route, taking us over the Highway & via the
Gardens, eventually back to the Union Jack Creek.
Back at the Circle, PEBBLES welcomed back SPIDER, & then
after NUTCRACKER & D&C's badgering, SPIDER exposed the
nipple rings.
Best Screw MOUNTIE was next, & calling up
PENNY FARTHING, said she'd always been attracted to the
older woman. She enjoyed the run, & even better as
HEAD HUNTER was away & she didn't have to listen to her
bullshit & stupid BITCHFACE didn't see one mark. The Drive
mags were presented & the position on the board -
Commodore. SHAFFY thought that was appropriate, as
PENNY wasn't far off needing a commode. The limerick -
"It's hard to recall, if she did bugger all, 'cos for 10 years
we haven't fuckin' seen her".
(Shitty trail ........ ).
Then there was a welcome back to BP, BIG DOG & PRECIOUS.
MOUNTIE had a pre Birthday drink for Tuesday's 61st (will you
still root me, or just shoot me, when I'm 61?).
MRS DICKHEAD with her sore back - ROWDY said "she's firing
(when) on all 4's".
(You're stupid ........ ).
DUMB(ER) & DUMBER was charged for Rachel's missing
(stolen) car, & then D&C with her car woes, having to walk to
work etc., problem turned out to be a stone in the wheel-cap.
D&C charged NUTCRACKER for the 'freeby' at the barrister's,
being paid for with a head job.
(There's a game called 20 toes .......... ).
DUMBER charged PEBBLES for not being at the Friday BBQ -
he had a free AMP lunch in Melbourne paid for by some dead
HALF A BAR had a drink for all the arrangement hassles on
the 'horse day', & then it was cancelled.
(They're the meanest ............... ).
QUICKDICK had a drink for telling MOUNTIE on the run,
summet about a quickie, & she asked "but hasn't
HEAD HUNTER gone away?" That's when D&C offered to
drive QUICKDICK home.
(Give us an A .......... ).
MOUNTIE charged MASTABAIT, asking him if WETCHECK
had resigned for the 2nd time, & then HALF A BAR had the
"fat arsed Santa from years ago" charge.
(Put it in your hand Mrs Murphy .......... ).
SHAFTED charged BENTNOSE for his new shoes, but BENT
claimed that it was only clean freak BP at work.
DUMBER charged BENT for the MAMIL article on the ABC -
no Ferrari's, only push-bikes, & then PUSBUCKET was out for
2 drinks - the pre 60 & couldn't be moulded by MOUNTIE.
(Asshole ..... to piss ..... for Cunt ....... ).
SHAFTED charged SS - "when did June have a run?" - D&D
hasn't run since mid June.
Last charge - FANG had D&D out for saying years ago to a
new girlfriend & after perusing a wine list, "I think we'll have
2 glasses of corkage - $5".
Great food for all on the PENNY FARTHING table - abundant
amount of bread rolls, leg ham, tomato, onion, beetroot,
cheese & a Titanic size bowl of lettuce - thanks Pat.
Next week's run - 1910 - Christmas run from Miner's Tavern.
Bring extra cash.
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