Tuesday, August 26, 2014

RUN 1677 Venue: North Britain Hotel Hare: Roadrunner 25 August 2014

Back to the North Brit, classic well run well staffed foodies pub. Finding a space for a fat arse 4WD proved challenging in the narrow angle parks but one wouldn’t comfortably fit in a Fiat 500 would one.
Prematurely ejaculated from the pub, the Hash taddies shot out and disappeared north up the Doveton fallopian street up to how hard? On east down kneel.  Did we see more? Strong Arm Clarendon, Lydiard, Drink Stop!

Like first root after 8 weeks away, over almost before it started. Just caught up, just warmed up.  Stop! Drink! Plenty of drinks though with ice.


We got a grog and gathered around the log fire out back of the Pub, in the company of four likely lads, the circle was formed. Down Downs had be extended and padded out to down down deeper downs to try and keep all amused until the 8.30 meal slot. REAR ENTRY stood up and bellowed boldly as stand in Choir Master. His buddy SILIC was later bemused as to why such athletes as they always copped shit. “Why are we so oft decorated in dangling dags?" Fester fumble bumbled.

A new runner, HEATHER knew a bit about hash as she has experience from an ON ON Collage. She  had a companion to drink with as MOUNTIE had a Same Hairdo Day.  One was misheard as heifer and the other resembled an emaciated calf (she thought that was a leg injury).  We counted incumbent pub patron’s ROBBO and his three mates as first timers.  They bolted downtheir down downs enthusiastically.  (We missed WET SPOT the regular regular.)

Welcomes Backs to NUM NUM NUM and DUMB  DUMB DUMB having the night before flown in from their Europing to reunite with their travel companions, MOUNTIE and SNAG/PUSS BUCKET. They were spaced widely around the circle. PEBBLES rolled in again as did PHUKWIT PHILL.  No runs of significance though. PLUCKA baker’s dozen?  Still dozen matter!

HEAVY, while working in the Kimberley near the DUMBER Range, sent forth a nursery rhyme about Three Blind Wives. Bum Cum and Fun were just some of the complex rhymes. The Roadrunner song was too obvious.

FASCINATOR told of Pat the postman getting his Christmas treat. The hubby said, “Fuck him, give him five bucks” She did then gave Pat the money. The meal was her idea!  Young Immaculate CONCEPTION chimed in with a charge wisely reckoning the recipient was really Matt the Meat deliverer. If REAR ENTRY can take payment by the Hairy Cheque book for tuning a TV, how many mutts does Matt make on a real estate sale commission? LOIS LANE reckons he’d get a blank cheque.

DUMB repeated the recent MASTABAIT charge about CRISSCROSS and traces of Japanese exprosives and terrourists. We don’t want to attract unwanted attention from metadata searches. Hash already engenders suspicions.

Three old deviants were blamed for chasing away the lovely BELINDA last week. NORMAL bore the brunt of blame and took one for the boys. He grumbled that his understudy beer buddy, FLUID MOVEMENT is said to have found something better to do on a Monday? Could it be?

Tall tales and true tortuously told took us to tea time in a long circle.  Good tucker Lamb’s Fry and cutlets were popular with Lashes on tap.

Next Week’s Run: MOUNTIE at the RED PEPPER Restaurant, bottom block of Sturt Street North side (Use Rear Entry) Theme; Garden Gnomes or Snow White and the seven snorting Dwarves or some such Christmas in July (or any month other than December) thingy. Always Lovely anyway you do it.

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