Welcome to run #2214 DoodleNuts from Grapes on Grant (Virgin Hare!)
The stand-in GM, Shafted, started the circle this week by asking if anyone had any significant runs. Lois Lane, still looking fresh and relaxed after her trip, had some information to share...
SIGM: "Lois Lane, how many runs does it say in the book..?"
LL: "Fifteen thousand and twenty-six."
There was much cheering
BN: " Hellooo, I have the shirt to prove it. Gestures"
Ms D: "Fifteen THOUSAND?!"
Thank God Lois is back to look after us all!
Then, Rear Entry came out to sing a silly song, and he knew almost all the words! Yellow and Black!
Tahlia brought our virgin out for GM to fondle. The virgin who originally claimed she 'can't' drink beer... we will fix that! My good Doctor, Rowdy, told the virgin that everyone at Hash has had Pink Bits make them cum in one way or another, and the sad look on dear Immaculate Conceptions's face was truly too much to handle :( So his mother gave him a charge.
Rowdy was then called upon to screw the Virgin Hare, so many virgins tonight!!! That's what happens when Precious leaves the state I guess...
Doodle Nuts claimed that she couldn't take all the credit as she had some support. Or in her words, "was forced to"... Rowdy said this was the best-set run he has ever been to on Hash, or maybe just the best run he can remember in his old age. Who's to say!
We went up, up, up to the top of every hill in town, and then stumbled back down. The runners were amazed when Squizzy knew the way home on the run and when young man Dan was searching for the HH, while standing on top of the HH :(
Rowdy screwed 6/6
Bent Nose came forward to Sargent around the place, he had something to say about NZ v. Aus in the Olympics, of which Ms D stole his punchline. Immaculate Conception said something that could have been funny but was not. We had charges before the run, during the run, and after the run. You will have to, believe me, everything was gold!
Next week's (tomorrow's) run: Rear Entry from the Ballarat Bowles Club (Havelock Street) The one near the Eastern Oval.